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  1. i want to do where i can find a manual to study
  2. the client is not I already tested this is not the client
  3. I'm looking for this l2 classic client can someone share more than 15 days in search without success
  4. I have a server with 256gm ram and and I want to connect the server several times on the same local machine, this is possible?
  5. Remover all life stone level or drop percent I tried removing from the server gave errors How can you lower the fall? interlude package
  6. can someone help me and tell me if l2off has a command to ban the account ? pack interlude
  7. lack of attention more in the original was itemdata tks eressea here for you s2.
  8. put time on items I tried using item_life_time = 30 Vanganth pack does not work. help item_begin weapon 10305 [dual_aioxbuffer] item_type=weapon slot_bit_type={lrhand} armor_type=none etcitem_type=none recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=2080 default_action=action_equip consume_type=consume_type_normal initial_count=1 maximum_count=1 soulshot_count=1 spiritshot_count=1 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 price=0 default_price=38000000 item_skill=[s_critical_chance3] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] material_type=adamantaite crystal_type=s crystal_count=1900 is_trade=1 is_drop=1 is_destruct=1 physical_damage=274 random_damage=10 weapon_type=dual can_penetrate=1 critical=8 hit_modify=0 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=50 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=40 damage_range={0;0;40;120} attack_speed=325 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=119 durability=95 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 html=[item_default.htm] equip_pet={0} magic_weapon=0 enchant_enable=1 can_equip_sex=-1 can_equip_race={} can_equip_change_class=-1 can_equip_class={} can_equip_agit=-1 can_equip_castle=-1 can_equip_castle_num={} can_equip_clan_leader=-1 can_equip_clan_level=-1 can_equip_hero=-1 can_equip_nobless=-1 can_equip_chaotic=-1 item_end
  9. how do i start the l2server with the ssd HD and the other ssd databse and windows for l2server hd ssd intel 500gb for database hd ssd sansung 850 500gb windows hd 15k 2tb and where can I find a good seller L2OFF Interlude stavel without being Advext64 Project 3x and 7x retail ?
  10. Estou tendo perguntas relacionadas à latência para jogadores brasileiros, americanos e russos Eu quero abrir um servidor para cada região! qual é o melhor dedicado no mercado para trabalhar com 3 países?
  11. it is possible to do a window iterface l2server without content somebody
  12. Where can I get a l2server interface ? just for studies does someone know how i get
  13. client accepts classic 2.0 ?
  14. as the title alreday says I'm looking extend c4 which structure l2server how long it takes to redo all l2server c4?
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