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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. Mysql go to Gameserver, table GAMESERVERS and there you could delete those 2 and just leave the one you are using.
  2. if you are looking for retail aCis is the way. if you looking for custom mods take a look on www.l2jesios.org
  3. move to acis, is less buggier and they keep working on their pack.
  4. GR/ tsekare to forum to kanoume idi ... :/
  5. kk, problem solved, Topic locked.
  6. why do you say that, its a good game, I got it for ps3 this weekend and I can say I like it even more than the fst one.
  7. no if you actually read his post you will see this :D That means he wants the files for free, or that someone share the files with him, so I Re-Affirm my first stament.
  8. Show us proofs that its a scam and we will take serious actions against him. you should take that off, my customers aren't allowed to share my files.
  9. rules are rules, just edit your last post if you have something to add. about the buffer you just should use search as you are new on the forum ill just leave you a couple links. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246731.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=207048.0
  10. This is client releated, topic locked.
  11. problem solved, topic locked.
  12. Use search.
  13. Problem solved, topic locked.
  14. Stop Doble posting or ill dekarma you :)
  15. Update [*]Added Q726_LightwithintheDarkness (instance in all fortress) [*]Added Teleportation Cubic in all Kamalokas (to exit) [*]Added SeerUgoros AI [*]Added Lindvior camera spawnpoint [*]Fixed Lindvior AI [*]Removed .storeon & .storeoff commands [*]Removed .mentor command [*]Added Personal Menu (.menu) check the img here http://l2jhidden.com/test/image/B [*]Added Wharf Patrol's and Zealot of Shillen in Gludio Airship [*]Updated Monastery mobs AI [*]Fixed Tarask Dragon's Leather Fragment [*]Fixed Behemoth Dragon Leather [*]Fixed Lavasaurus Alpha Fragment [*]Fixed Q904_DragonTrophyAntharas [*]Fixed Q907_DragonTrophyValakas [*]Working on Event Engine http://l2jhidden.com/showthread.php?11-Event-Engine
  16. are you serious¿? and you call yoruself a l2jdeveloper... get real. try copy "server" file in c\program files\java\jre or jdk\ and search for it. than paste it to where ever its missing. or change "-server" to "-client"
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