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Everything posted by Slade

  1. The title describes everything. You will be the new owner of the svn account which have been given to me. I will request a new key for you.As for the price,instead of 110$,i will sell it for 85$. More info at pm Thanks.
  2. The topic author hasn't informed you for the most important thing . You can't run l2tower because as it is mentioned in their forum you have to install these: Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) (yes x86 version not x64). Visual C++ 2012 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) (yes x86 version not x64). .NET Framework 3.5 (solves 99% Core.dll problems). .NET Framework 4.0. .NET Framework 4.5. latest version of DirectX 9 SDK (no matter what version you already have - if you have).
  3. Hello there. I am currently planning for the creativity of a hellbound OFF server and i wanted to ask you - players what you'd prefer and what would attract you. Would you be interested in playing in a low rate hellbound server ( x1-10) or in a mid hb server? (x20 - 70) ? How a hellbound server would be enjoyable for you ? Would you generally play a hellbound server these days? I'll be waiting for your opinions,every opinion is welcome . Thanks
  4. Sorry,there is a problem with my account's setting of message system.I've just sent you my skype.
  5. Hello. I am selling my male elf Othell Moonlight Sentinel which exists at chronos server.Its' level is 86,with the required gear that the level asks for. Who ever is interested should send me a message here,if you either do not want to pm me or you can't,post here and i'll message you my skype. Regards, Slade
  6. Siqma, Send me your skype using personal message system.
  7. Depends if it's J or OFF. Don't worry about Hellbound client as there is no other hellbound server so there will be people willing to play,plus you will be free with DDoS attacks. About rates,again it depends if the server is java or OFF. I don't suggest creating a java low rate because you will have issues with quests and many more. If you're about to start java hellbound server,a high rate hellbound server would be fine. And yes,i have heard people who are interested in playing such server. Good luck.
  8. Αυτος εδω ειναι που εμπαινε πριν κανα χρονο και ειχε ανοιξει ενα topic για τον Χριστό?
  9. Sent you my skype. Thanks
  10. Hi. I'm looking for a serious l2 off developer to create a new project. Post here,and i'll contact you!
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/171006-%CF%80%CF%89%CE%BB%CE%B5%CE%AF%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%B9-pc-%CE%BC%CE%BF%CE%BD%CE%AC%CE%B4%CE%B1keyboardmouse/ "xdem"
  12. Slade


  13. Slade


  14. bump
  15. bump
  16. I am selling account on EU Nordic East. Level : 30 Division : Silver division V. Champions : 30 +. Rune pages : 2(full) Price : 25€
  17. wts l2 cleaver items/char pm me
  18. Check your PM box.I've messaged ya all.
  19. Yes it does.I've provided proof.
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