trying to change Interlude auth port from 2106 to something else
i'm 'hex editing' engine.dll that attached to l2.exe, but there are too many 0x083A (2106 hex), i do not know which one should i change
can someone tell me how to do that?
is it better than frozen? or it's buggy like frozen? :D
i saw the features, it's good, but is it ok for live server?
i mean, how good is protection? working grand bosses? quests? skills?
i dont really care about my post count and karma, but i did 1 post by mistake, wanted post modify and accidentally hit quote button, then edited by me and told moderator for delete post.
if it's spam then what's a bunch off "thanks" "thanks for sharing" and etc in every topic?
anyway thanks Zake for Dekarming me with unjust reason :D
hello guys
i would like to know, how protected extenders are cracked?
i mean for example old dVamp interlude extenders, Vangath (1.2.3.X) extenders and etc...
why no one crack newer versions? is it impossible? or it's just too difficult?
hello guys
i'm looking for buffer for l2j acis
i found good one but it has script that using python, so i must rewrite code python>java that i can't
so what can i do? search for new java buffer? or is there any way to use python scripted buffer on acis
i started using aCis yesterday, so i'm noob with this pack
this is html page with 2 images, and website what i'm selling is completely different... i said my website is coded, and also if anyone is interested we will talk about price.
"some edit" <<-- that's so funny :)
i'm waiting for link.....
10-15 euros? if anyone is interested we will talk about price, but 10-15 euros is very low for this, it's not only css + html, it's php coded too, so if anyone selling here coded websites for 10-15 euros please give me link and i'll delete this thread :)
live view is not available for understandable reasons, if you are interested, i can show you more pics or also i can give you video that shows site features and scripts.