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  1. xdem's post in Cursor Problem was marked as the answer   
    check isAutoAttackable method, use the debugger
  2. xdem's post in [Request] Faction Enemy/ally Name Colors was marked as the answer   
    writeD(_activeChar.getFunction() != getClient().getActiveChar().getFunction() ? 0xFF0000 : _activeChar.getAppearance().getNameColor());
    anyways im too kind as you see, thats the job of "mxcL2devs" not mine
  3. xdem's post in Delete ''x'' Option To Close Window was marked as the answer   
    Can't do that, you have to use the TutorialHtml window that doesn't have X button.
    normal html x button is purely client sided so you can't restrict it from the server, you have to edit the window.u
  4. xdem's post in Disarming Items was marked as the answer   
    Don't change anything, create a static charInfo packet containing uneqquiped weapon data, and send it right before the original charInfo
    I can't detail this more its more easy for me to do it for you. What project is it?
  5. xdem's post in I Got A Realy Big Problem was marked as the answer   
    the language is server side lol
    except systemsg, systring, itename etc
  6. xdem's post in Basic Question - Items/skills was marked as the answer   
    Ingame ALT+G or even Better File Edit
  7. xdem's post in Replaceall Thingy With Integer Code. was marked as the answer   
    message = Config.PVP_REWARD_MESSAGE.replaceAll("%itemName%", PvpItemName).replaceAll("%itemCount%", PvpItemCount+"");
    this should work like a charm
  8. xdem's post in [Question] Is L2P Hi5 Stable And Bugfree For A Midrate Server? was marked as the answer   
    L2DC is the best, it was born from the early Phoinix/L2J sources, but they splitted long time ago, its a very closed private project, even if you find a guy selling it won't be the real since there are many immitations out there
    So your only choice is L2P, if you need more info drop me a pm
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