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About Nervuotas

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  1. I`ll try it in l2java server x5000
  2. Ok there l2walker....Its more better then l2net)) 1) run WSS 2)run WPF 3) run l2walker and in window WSS double click on "l2walker.exe" 4) in l2walker use proxy on game server 1777 Then botting!! Download - http://myfreefilehosting.com/f/77a5889f76_5.69MB Man please cheack agan... Doest work :(((((((( i cahnce gameserver but nothing when i try log in walker : 17:09:52 Link LoginServer Succeed. 17:09:53 ->Login LoginServer Fail.
  3. Are here any cheaters who can help me whit server or only english teachers ?
  4. I thing my english isn`t good but understandable :P
  5. Sry for my english but this is cheaters forum not english book readers forum :P
  6. Hello chaters :o So i use search for 3 days, tryed everyting I could see. Ask help for poul (who make IG walkers for everyone) even he couldn`t help me. So I play in L2j interlude server www.exgon.com pach http://ikelk.lt/items/eBcMuat8KY I cant use IG or OOG.... When do everyting in manual and try IG start nothing hapens l2 didn`t starts. P,S try to delete fire.dll try to delete core.dll try to change other pach and put my server l2.ini change host try 1.78 and 1.79 fixed for interlude Please help ;]
  7. I to this i already work + i always picking up for dagger + dash. I notice more u have speed more faster u pick up ;]
  8. Yeap it works for me too ;] BS skills are usefull!!!
  9. On my interlude server it didn`t work :/
  10. Paul_Greatest U cant make bot for L2Exgon server :( ?
  11. I thing the rates are good :P drop rate x5 gives slowly economic :P server online for a week and there is only few S grades :PP any other idias?
  12. My skype is sharoonas-15 please inform about bugs ;]
  13. zazazaza Just try tu delete fire.dll file from system folder ;]
  14. I dont know but i have 100+ pk there and never drop items in water. (try this one many times)
  15. How many online??
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