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Everything posted by joshuars

  1. really s"mart" and to the "point" comment, if you don't have to say anything to the topic or participate in the discussion somehow, then thanks, keep your opinion for yourself..
  2. would like to ask aswell, will there be a new server opened with Freya (+ - 1 chronicle) no Interlude ! where a lot of ppl will play ? if possible 5x - 15x, thanks
  3. hmmm really curious if it still will work, as the server starts to ***** me.... first they have bugged 7signs which gives a huge advantage the few ones who knew it, then they had spoils like 10x which after 2 weeks !!! of server play they changed it to 3x and after 3-4 days of user complains they changed it to 6x ... so they made a huuuuge advantage to the top players / top cheaters / top bribers and now they are closing everything ... and in the meantime i didn't mention the all day lags ! the lags were not there in the morning and from 00:00 in the evening... so in other words, this is the most corrupt and retarded server i ever played on ... so if l2w wont work i'm of it ... sorry for this comment, but had to share the view on the server, bye.
  4. < deleted my post, now working for me :) >
  5. Hi, looking for some good low rate server x5 - x15 with some newest L2 client, so please no C5 or Interlude etc.. Prefer Retail like, with at least 1000+ ppl .. or as many as it can be :) thanks ..
  6. my question would be, does some1 use the bot ? is it really good ? you got banned using it ? thanks for your comments / oponion
  7. Can someone please tell me if it works on Aion Official ? as i'm desparately looking for a working bot for Aion Ofic and nothing :(( please help, thanks !
  8. Thanks Raule for the dump ;-)
  9. yeah, maybe he had just luck with OE or it was a high rate ?
  10. How do you please mean this ? I have tried to read in the rules of the server for some rule regarding dual boxing, but didn't find anything ...
  11. Yes, and this is what i mean dude ... you just got my point ... the game is more oriented for Console players, e.g. the game is TOO EASY ! toooooo easy = console playing ... ;/ We PC players like harder, tougher games ... and not console games, which are so easy and fully scripted without the possibility to almost do anything freely ;/
  12. Hey All, I was trying to find some tricks / exploits on a L2J freya server however i was really not much able to, could someone help / guide me what could be used / where to find something actually decent and working ? Btw I'm playing on the server [Hidden Content] Thanks all of you for your help !
  13. is dual-boxing allowed on this server ? someone knows plz ?
  14. if you say it does not suck, then either you are som console player (PS3, Xbox etc...), so not a 'real' PC player .. or actually you do not play for long .. or maybe your a causal player ... For my part i'm a longer playing guy ... so when i play Mafia 2, where my HP regenerates, my friends who help me in some missions do not have hp, i cannot freally save the game (i mean like safehouse for example like in GTA), that i have to continue in a mission just to have it saved or i do not have free ride .... the game SUCKS for me ! pretty much ... sorry
  15. I do have to agree, C4, or rather C5 - C6 was great ... I'm currently playing on a Freya server and doooh ... it is for sure not so fun as C5 or C6
  16. i've bought Mafia 2 and boooy, i wish i didn't ! i play games for a long time now ... so Mafia 2 ? it sucked, to easy, short, to 'console' oriented etc ... graphics and new few new things are nice .. but it sucked ;/
  17. well, i'm looking forward to D3, but L3 aswell ... i've played Aion for like 3 months, but it totally sucked :( it was more 'wow' then 'lineage' so it was boring ... single player all the time ;/
  18. rofled ...
  19. hehe thanks all, to be honest i was 'afraid' of this comunity at first ... but now as i read the posts this is quite a decent comunity and forum ;-) so thanks and hi all
  20. I'm new here aswell, but hey chap ! welcome ;-)
  21. Dude, just use the L2INI Editor provided by MasterWalker, i know that it is an EXE file and maybe you are worried what it can do to your PC (as was I and therefore tried the same software to edit l2.ini before as you did ....), but it looks fine to me, done that like 1+ month ago and everything works fine till now, and the Editor edits it just fine .... If you will not succeed at all I will upload the L2.ini when i come home ... bye ... and thanks once more MasterWalker for this great share !!! :)
  22. this would intrest me aswell
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