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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. u must be really alone irl :P send me ur pic at pm/msn ? :P
  2. u really drunk :P u dont have boyfriend ? :)
  3. Yes its same but UFC is different is in cage
  4. http://dailyintake.files.wordpress.com
  5. a LOOOL xD and u watching wrestling ? OWNED :P
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNFK48m2taI This movie was today :) Its old but it was fun xD
  7. Dwayne Johnson!! xD Today was movie with him xD
  8. TheRock Austin Goldberg BrockLesnar
  9. So ? U still watching it if u know its bored or no ... ;]
  10. Im not everybody ... :) Hmm u have problem with his rap ? just dont listen it ... ;) Also as Vince say's :) There's no need WWE be more brutal because ratings are fine and they dont need to change anything :)
  11. fack cena ? LAWL :P he's the man that doing smth at RAW and its not boring ... Also Orton suck ... he was better as hell ... Sheamus is good i like his fight style ;) And Jericho suck ... again with edge ? BOOOOOOOOORING :)
  12. omg u idiot :) slutty b1tch :) U care what im watching ? LMAO also log at msn
  13. maybe i'll talk to you :) till RAW begin xD
  14. u're drunk ? 13 years old kid ? :P
  15. Well theres already some votes by PPL and u should make poll for PPL vote
  16. huh ? im brzoza ? and that's just suggestion ... dont take it personally troll ...
  17. imo revenger dont deserve for anything atm ;) he was troll and he was banned and want promote On this forum more Better PPL than him :)
  18. Well ED deserve for G mod :) And i think he will be the best of all times :) Not like evil grisom or others mods ... :) With ED we can joke and talk about any subject :) He just deserve for G MOD! P.S. DS if u can log at msn idiot
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