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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. U cant xD Because u dont know how it will be if u're black
  2. Yes look on his dirty shoes :O OHH SH1T!
  3. [/img] Uploaded with ImageShack.us darkslayer how i imagine him ...
  4. maybe i'll try but probably it'll fail like old overdose ? im right ? :)
  6. ure right ^^ he's name chucky aka no lifer :)
  7. Total time logged in: 366 days, 6 hours and 18 minutes. still pwning ya.
  8. because u suck :)) And thats the truth and the TRUTH HURTS!
  9. Well my job in sweden was easy and 1000 euro ;) And also i can get more if i give my offer :) but im kind guy also what job u do u get other money and u can offering more
  10. Ye wtf xD seth's son have 2 pitbulls and they allways stay with us and not with the owner :P One dog CHAMPION from South Africa :)
  11. This vacation i was in sweden ^^ And work for a Fredric ^^ Kind guy ;] know PL words like 'kurwa mac' 'dzień dobry' 'Robota' 'dobrze' etc xD And his father own company and his father name SETH xD And firm name SETH & Son xD Also funny thing is that on his firm there work only PL PPL xD And allways after work they bring vodka and drink there when boss was out xD Also they paid well :) 1000 Euro in 3 weeks and it wasnt smth hard :)
  12. also i dont have boss since im born xD
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