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About Bombshell

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  1. GTA SA <3 The last one requires a PC too powerful...
  2. +1. Ur reaction just shows how much you're clean... I wanted to try the server but after that, I think I'll seek another one...
  3. Safe +3 / Max +10 Enchant rate 50% or less The rest looks fine :) When it will open?
  4. The serv is already on for the open beta ? o_O Grand opening is still for august or before ?
  5. nice with the new domain! Change the site address in the first page ;) (and plz, add A grd set in separate item coz its boring to buy all set just to enchant one part) btw, gj with ur serv :)
  6. Yes i see that ;) U care about nothing exept to make ur friend's char OP. I never played on ur serv but leave me tell u that u don't keep the right way to make a good serv if u react like that...
  7. lolserv... With an admin insulting player... what do u expect while reacting like that ?
  8. server is down ? I can't log in...
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