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Everything posted by ~Rasmus~

  1. yes w8 uplloand backup na deis pou den to exo 7mb einai w8
  2. wts http://l2intel.com/ pack custom Server Rates • Experience: x5000 • Spexperience: x5000 • Party Experience: x5000 • Party Spexperience: x5000 • Adena: x5000 • Drop Item Karma: x1 Enchant Rates • Safe Enchant: +7 • Weapon Max Enchant: +25 • Armor Max Enchant: +25 • Jewels Max Enchant: +25 • Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 80% • Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 100% Basic Features Version:Interlude Platform:L2J Farm system Easy Staring Lv80 Costum Starting Giran Castle Town NPC Buffer (3H Buffs) & (Unlimited slots) GM shop (Normal S Grade) & Everthing You Need Special Shop (Vote & Event) Rewards Teleporter (Farm Zones) & All Chronicle Zones TvT Auto Event Enable Wedding System L2Intel Weapons L2Intel Armors Olympiad System • Olympiad Work: 100% • Retail Like •Dwarf Mage(Custom skills) •Dwarf Fighter(Custom skills)
  3. Experience: x5000 • Spexperience: x5000 • Party Experience: x5000 • Party Spexperience: x5000 • Adena: x5000 • Drop Item Karma: x1 Enchant Rates • Safe Enchant: +7 • Weapon Max Enchant: +25 • Armor Max Enchant: +25 • Jewels Max Enchant: +25 • Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 80% • Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 90% Basic Features Version:Interlude Platform:L2J Farm system Easy Staring Lv80 Costum Starting Giran Castle Town NPC Buffer (3H Buffs) & (Unlimited slots) GM shop (Normal S Grade) & Everthing You Need Special Shop (Vote & Event) Rewards Dynasty shop balance armor weapons Teleporter (Farm Zones) & All Chronicle Zones TvT Auto Event Enable Wedding System Olympiad System • Olympiad Work: 100% • Retail Like •Dwarf Mage(Custom skills) •Dwarf Fighter(Custom skills) http://l2insane.ucoz.com/home.html its friend server http://www.2shared.com/file/w9a9Si2k/system.html
  4. otan alazo apo to game buffer den mporo na kano buffs
  5. ~Rasmus~


    psaxno programa mixmaster an mporo kai apo palia prin 1 bdomada na epanafero den ta exei afta kanena alo programa alo?
  6. ~Rasmus~


    oraios euxaristo
  7. ~Rasmus~


    eiparxei kana programa pou epanaferei opio arxio 8elo pou exo diagrapsei?
  8. ti na to agoraso file free to 8elo eixai ginei share edw
  9. pou mporo na bro to pack l2foru exei ginei share edw ala ta link den douleoun
  10. castle problem otan pigaino se castle kolaei den proxoraei kai mou bgazei error gameserver.model.actor.insatncel2doorinstnce
  11. Καλησπέρα poulao ena pack # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Settings - L2Jserver # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================================== # WARNING WARNING # =========================================================================== # Those settings can modify the behaviour of your server. # Your server will NOT be as retail servers. # # Those settings are useful if you own some special server # or really small server. # NOTE : "true" to enable "false" to disable. # =========================================================================== # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class Settings - By L2jserver Team # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Damage Multipliers for Magician characters. # Default: 1.0 AltPDamageMages = 1.0 AltMDamageMages = 1.0 # Damage Multipliers for Fighter characters. # Default: 1.0 AltPDamageFighters = 1.0 AltMDamageFighters = 1.0 # Damage Multipliers for pets and summons. # Default: 1.0 AltPDamagePets = 1.0 AltMDamagePets = 1.0 # Damage Multipliers for NPCs (mobs). # Default: 1.0 AltPDamageNpc = 1.0 AltMDamageNpc = 1.0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Both settings can work together . The order Balancing # will be "Class vs. Class" and then "Class Balance" . # Enable Class Balance System (Class Vs Armor Vs (Mage or Fight)). # Set the variables in the table class_balance. # Default: False EnableClassBalanceSystem = True # Enable Class Vs Class Balance System. # Set the variables in the table class_vs_class. # Default: False EnableClassVsClassSystem = True #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Dagger Classes - #--------------------------------------------- DaggerVsHeavy = 1.00 DaggerVsLight = 1.00 DaggerVsRobe = 1.80 #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Archer Classes - #--------------------------------------------- ArcherVsHeavy = 1.00 ArcherVsLight = 1.00 ArcherVsRobe = 1.00 #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Blunt Classes - #--------------------------------------------- BluntVsHeavy = 1.00 BluntVsLight = 1.00 BluntVsRobe = 1.00 #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Dual-Weapon Classes - #--------------------------------------------- DualVsHeavy = 1.00 DualVsLight = 1.00 DualVsRobe = 1.00 #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Fist Classes - #--------------------------------------------- FistVsHeavy = 1.00 FistVsLight = 1.00 FistVsRobe = 1.00 #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Sword Classes - #--------------------------------------------- SwordVsHeavy = 1.00 SwordVsLight = 1.00 SwordVsRobe = 1.00 #--------------------------------------------- # Balance Pole Classes - #--------------------------------------------- PoleVsHeavy = 1.00 PoleVsLight = 1.00 PoleVsRobe = 1.00 custom #================================================== # Custom Settings By Tange = #================================================== # Announce castle lords on enter game. default = false AnnounceCastleLords = True #================================================== # Custom Start Title = #================================================== # Set this option to true to enable custom titles on new chars. CharTitle = True CharAddTitle = L][server # Set true for custom spawn location. CustomSpawn = false SpawnX = 6458 SpawnY = 6455 SpawnZ = 5547 #---------------------------------------# # Quick Info For Newbies # #---------------------------------------# #Enable Quick Info Message For Newbies ? EnableInfoMessage = False ServerName = L2Jserver # Show Welcome PM on start ShowWelcomePM = False PMFrom = Server PMText1 = Welcome to our server PMText2 = Visit our web http://Your.Web.Adress # Char on start Pm vote ShowWelcomePM1 = False PMFrom1 = Vote PMText3 = Vote for Server ths # Enable/Disable progressive enchanting system (experimental). EnchantStepEnabled = False # Progressive enchanting mode. Values allowed = static, dynamic EnchantStepMode = static # If EnchantStepMode = static: # Value in percent (%). Reduced from enchant rate on each next enchant. # Example: +3 safe enchant. EnchantChanceWeapon = 66. EnchantStep = 3 #+4 = 66%, +5 = 63%, +7 = 60%, +8 = 57% etc. # If EnchantStepMode = dynamic: # enchant chance is multiplied by (EnchantStep^(item enchant level)-safe enchant) # for example, if enchant step is 0.95 # +10 = 66*(0.95^(10-4)) # it only starts to make a real difference after +10, # so it's useful for servers with high max enchant. EnchantStepStatic = 4 EnchantStepDynamic = 0.95 # Enable aura from champion mobs # 0 - no aura / 1 - blue aura / 2 - red aura # Default = 0 ChampionEnableAura = 0 # Welcome Html Config # Show Welcome Html When a Player Logs In? ShowWelcomeHtmlOnLogin = True #Captcha EnableCaptchaSystem = False #Anti bot System(kill) #Default 50 AntiBotKills = 35 #============================================ # S.O.E. In PvP Protection = #============================================ #If you set this option to "True" , players can't use SOE when #they are flagged! #Default is "False" SoeInPvpProtection = True # Turn this off to avoid skill enchanting. # Default: True EnableSkillEnchant = True # When this is enabled it will read the "SkillMaxEnchantLimitLevel" option. # Default: False EnableSkillMaxEnchantLimit = False # When this is over 0, it will cutoff the skill enchant level to it's value. # When it's 0 it will removed the current skill enchant. # Default: 30 SkillMaxEnchantLimitLevel = 30 #Npc Id For Pk Guard Protection GuardId= 36602 # Show online players vcmd # Default: False ShowOnlinePlayers = True # Allow custom starter items? AllowCustomStarterItems = false # You must allow custom starter items! # Usage: id,count;id,count; CustomStarterItems = 57,1000; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Clan Leader Color Name # Credits to: FFs # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clanleader Color Support ClanLeaderNameColorEnabled = True # Default: 00FF00 (green) ClanLeaderColor = 00FF00 # Min Clan Lvl # Default = 3 ClanLeaderColorAtClanLevel = 3 # Minimum distance from player / npc to open a new private store shop # Default: 0 ShopMinRangeFromPlayer = 0 ShopMinRangeFromNpc = 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Alternatif soul crystal # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This option will enable a alternatif leveling of soul Crystal # Default: False EnableNewLevelingSoul = False # Enable / Disable / gaining experience. (.expon .expoff ) # Default: False SpExpCommand = False Hellbound LowLevelPkProtection pccafe pvpcolorsystem votereward Npc: Gm_Shop Buffer Gatekeeper Delevel Event: HideAndSeek [event] Leaderboards [event] Last Hero [event] Solo [event] Full Quest price 10 Euro source + pack acepting only Paysafe pm me or l2jdev@hotmail.gr
  12. psaxno freya server x100 mexrei x2000 na exei polla atoma
  13. to tomb raider the reborn pote bgainei gia pc?
  14. 146;148;156;152; afto einai gia epilogue?
  15. quest exo hellbound to farm kai pao kai me petaei meta me pigainei alo pos to bgazo to q l2j freya exo
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