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Everything posted by ~Rasmus~

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  5. #============================# # Aio Buffer System # #============================# # Enable / Disable Name Color AllowAioNameColor = True AioNameColor = 88AA88 # Enable / Disable Title Color AllowAioTitleColor = True AioTitleColor = 88AA88 EnableAioSystem = True # List of Aio Skills # Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln AioSkills = 1085,3;1304,3;1087,3;1354,1;1062,2;1005,3;1243,6;1045,6;1048,6;\ 1311,6;168,3;213,8;1007,3;1309,3;1552,3;1006,3;1229,15;1308,3;1253,3;1284,3;\ 1009,3;1310,4;1363,1;1362,1;1397,3;1292,6;1078,6;307,1;276,1;309,1;274,1;275,1;\ 272,1;277,1;273,1;311,1;366,1;365,1;310,1;271,1;1242,3;1257,3;1353,3;1391,3;\ 1352,1;229,7;228,3;1077,3;1218,33;1059,3;1219,33;1217,33;1388,3;1389,3;1240,3;\ 1086,2;1032,3;1073,2;1036,2;1035,4;1068,3;1003,3;1282,2;1356,1;1355,1;1357,33;\ 1044,3;1182,3;1191,3;1033,3;1189,3;1259,4;1306,6;234,23;1040,3;364,1;264,1;306,1;\ 269,1;270,1;265,1;363,1;349,1;308,1;305,1;304,1;267,1;266,1;268,1;1390,3;1303,2;\ 1204,2;1268,4;1413,1;4699,8;4700,8;4703,8 # Aio Buffers can use GK? AllowAioUseGk = false # Aio Buffers can speak to Class Master? AllowAioUseClassMaster = false =======================================# # Balance Your Server's Classes # #================================================# # Attention! Users. # If uses values <= 0.9 Damage --". # If uses values >= 1.1 Damage ++". # # Ex: value = 0.5, -50 % of damage. # Ex: value = 1.0, damage normally. # Ex: value = 1.5, +50% of damage. # #=================================# # Dagger Classes # #=================================# DaggerVsHeavy = 1.00 DaggerVsLight = 1.00 DaggerVsRobe = 1.00 #=================================# # Archer Classes # #=================================# ArcherVsHeavy = 1.00 ArcherVsLight = 1.00 ArcherVsRobe = 1.00 #=================================# # Blunt Classes # #=================================# BluntVsHeavy = 1.00 BluntVsLight = 1.00 BluntVsRobe = 1.00 #======================================# # Dual Weapon Classes # #======================================# DualVsHeavy = 1.00 DualVsLight = 1.00 DualVsRobe = 1.00 #===============================# # Fist Classes # #===============================# FistVsHeavy = 1.00 FistVsLight = 1.00 FistVsRobe = 1.00 #================================# # Sword Classes # #================================# SwordVsHeavy = 1.00 SwordVsLight = 1.00 SwordVsRobe = 1.00 #===============================# # Pole Classes # #===============================# PoleVsHeavy = 1.00 PoleVsLight = 1.00 PoleVsRobe = 1.00 Flag Protection System # #=================================# AltFlagedPlayerCanUseGK = False #==============================# # Custom Siege Period # #==============================# # Make Siege Every Week? # Default: 14 Is Every 2 Weeks SiegePeriod = 14 #=====================# # Party Duel # #=====================# # Party Duel # # Default Coordinates : Coliseum # Party Duel Spawn X PartyDuelSpawnX = 149319 # Party Duel Spawn Y PartyDuelSpawnY = 46710 # Party Duel Spawn Z PartyDuelSpawnZ = -3413 #===============================# # Enchant Hero Weapon # #===============================# # Special Enchant Hero # If set to true and your weapon enchant = EnchantLvl # You are awarded with with hero status BUT only when the weapon equipped! EnchantHero = False EnchantLvl = 0 #========================================# # Custom PvP & Pk Reward System # #========================================# # Costum PVP/PK settings # Costum pvp/pk message # after pvp: "Good fight,enemy pwned:)" # after pk: "Nice kill!You are so dangerous!" AllowCostumPvPMessage = False # Pvp reward system AllowPvpRewardSystem = False # Pvp reward itemId PvpRewardItem = 57 # Pvp reward amount PvpRewardAmount = 1 # Pk reward system AllowPkRewardSystem = False # Pk reward itemId PkRewardItem = 57 # Pk reward amount PkRewardAmount = 1 # Allow the default PK system(+1 pk,+karma) UseDefaultSystem = True # Allow costum pk system (pvp point for pk,no karma) # UseDefaultSystem need to be False! UseCostumSystem = False #================================# # check Skills On Enter # #================================# # Check and delete unlegit skills on EnterWorld CheckSkillsOnEnter = False #=================================================================================# # List of Skills that are allowed for all Classes if CheckSkillsOnEnter = true # #=================================================================================# AllowedSkills = 0 #========================================# # Custom Killing Spree System # #========================================# # This script will announce if player is making a spree kills # Ex. Player: PlayerName Is In Killing Spree. With 5 Kills. # Enable Feature ? QuakeSystemEnabled = True #========================================# # Hero & Noblesse Custom Item # #========================================# # Hero Custom Item # This item will make the char hero untill he restart HeroCustomItem = False # Id of the item HeroItemId = 3481 # Noble Custom Item # This item will grand the char with noble status NobleCustomItem = False # Id of the item NobleItemId = 3480 #===================================# # Custom Starting Tittle # #===================================# # Custom Starting Title # This Will Set A Custom Title To The New Chars # Default: False CustomStartTitle = True CustomTitleText = Welcome #===============================# # Custom Fight Stats # #===============================# # This script will make the PvP/Pk stats at the player title # Ex. PvP: 44 | PK: 44 # Default: False CustomFightStats = False #==========================================# # Limits Attack & Casting Speed # #==========================================# # Maximum Attack Speed 0 MaxAttackSpeed = 2000000000 # Maximum Casting Speed 0 MaxCastingSpeed = 2000000000 #==================================# # Exp & SP Award System # #==================================# #Exp and SP Award System # 0 Is by Default! AddExpAtPvp = 0 AddSpAtPvp = 0 #==================================# # Custom Starting Level # #==================================# # Allow custom starting lvl default:false AllowCustomStartLvl = True #Custom Start lvl for 80 lvl and 100% put 81 CustomStartLvl = 80 #=====================================# # Custom SubClass Options # #=====================================# #Custom lvl when player add new subclass #min = 40 max = 80 dont put more #default = 40 CustomSubclassLvl = 80 #How many level will be the character after the sub class? MaxSubClass = 6 #==================================# # Custom Starting Spawn # #==================================# # Set true for custom spawn location. !!!If True you have to change the Spawns!!! CustomSpawn = false SpawnX = 1 SpawnY = 1 SpawnZ = 1 #==================================# # Custom Starting Items # #==================================# # Allow custom starter items? AllowCustomStarterItems = True # You must allow custom starter items! # Usage: id,count;id,count; CustomStarterItems = 3470,1; #=======================================-# # Custom Hero System By Kills # #========================================# # Enabled Hero status for kills? (Default: False) HeroStatusForKills = True # Kills (PvP+PK) for Hero Status (Default: 20) HeroStatusForKillsCount = 20 # Death for removed Hero Status (Default: 2) DeleteHeroStatusDeathCount = 2 #========================# # Anti-Walker # #========================# L2WalkerProtection = False #==================================# # PvP & Pk Custom Color # #==================================# # Each Amount will change the title content and color to the values defined here. # Example: PvpAmount1 = 20, when a character's PvP counter reaches 20 # their title color and content will change according to the ColorForAmount value. # Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format. EnablePvPColorSystem = True EnablePkColorSystem = True # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 1. PvpAmount1 = 0 PkAmount1 = 0 ColorForAmount1 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 2. PvpAmount2 = 100 PkAmount2 = 100 ColorForAmount2 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount2 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 3. PvpAmount3 = 150 PkAmount3 = 150 ColorForAmount3 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount3 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 4. PvpAmount4 = 200 PkAmount4 = 200 ColorForAmount4 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount4 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 5. PvpAmount5 = 250 PkAmount5 = 250 ColorForAmount5 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount5 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 6. PvpAmount6 = 300 PkAmount6 = 300 ColorForAmount6 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount6 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 7. PvpAmount7 = 350 PkAmount7 = 350 ColorForAmount7 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount7 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 8. PvpAmount8 = 400 PkAmount8 = 400 ColorForAmount8 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount8 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 9. PvpAmount9 = 450 PkAmount9 = 450 ColorForAmount9 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount9 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount, Title & color level 10. PvpAmount10 = 500 PkAmount10 = 500 ColorForAmount10 = A8A8A8 TitleForAmount10 = 00FF00 #==================================# # Augmention Settings # #==================================# # These controls the chance to get a skill in the augmentation process # Retail: 15, 30, 45, 60 AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15 AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30 AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45 AugmentationTopSkillChance = 60 # These controls the chance to get a Base Stat Modifier in the augmentation process # Note: # No dependancy on LS grade # Retail: 1 AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1 # These controls the chance to get a glow effect in the augmentation process # Note: # No/Mid Grade Life Stone can not have glow effect # if you do not get a skill or Base Stat Modifier # On Retail you can not get glow effect with NoGrade LS # Retail: 0, 40, 70, 100 AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0 AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40 AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70 AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100 #===================# # Potions # #===================# #Disallow Potion In PvP PotionItem = 1000 #=================================================# # StuckSub Server System (Multiskills) # #=================================================# # With this option you make your server from PvP To Multiskill System # This means that every subclass you will do the skills will stuck from the # Previous Class and will not leave. # Sub stuck SubStucking = False #========================# # Over Enchant # #========================# # Protection against Corrupt GMs! # This protection will ban both GM and Edited character # if a GM tries to enchant a NON GM player above the below value. EnableOverEnchant = False # Attention: # Do not use values smaller than the settings EnchantMaxAllowed # Ex: EnchantMaxAllowed = 25 # Use values equal to or greater # GMOverEnchant = 26 GMOverEnchant = 65535 #==============================# # Max Enchant Limit # #==============================# # EnchantMaxAllowed is if any player has bigger enchant gets banned. # EnchantMax is what max value can be put by scrols. # Attention: # Not use values larger than the setting GMOverEnchant # Ex: GMOverEnchant = 26 # Use values less than or equal # EnchantMaxAllowed = 25 EnchantMaxAllowedWeapon = 65535 EnchantMaxAllowedArmor = 65535 EnchantMaxAllowedJewelry = 65535 #==============================# # Stuck Hero Skills # #==============================# #Hero Skills on Sub AllowHeroSkillsOnSub = True #==================================# # Anti-Heavy System # #==================================# # Daggers,Archers,Fists Can't Wear Heavy Armors! # Enabled/Disabled AntiHeavySystem = True #============================# # Blow Skill Rate # #============================# BlowFontRate = 50 BlowSideRate = 60 BlowBackRate = 70 #==================================# # Offline Trade System # #==================================# # Option to enable or disable offline trade feature. # Enable -> true, Disable -> false OfflineTradeEnable = False # Option to enable or disable offline craft feature. # Enable -> true, Disable -> false OfflineCraftEnable = False # If set to True, name color will be changed then entering offline mode OfflineSetNameColor = False # Color of the name in offline mode (if OfflineSetNameColor = True) OfflineNameColor = 808080 #==================================# # Donator Custom System # #==================================# # Donator Name Color Enabled?. DonatorNameColorEnabled = True # Donator Color Name Selection. DonatorColorName = 00FFFF # Donator Title Color Enabled? DonatorTitleColorEnabled = False # Donator Color Name Selection. DonatorTitleColor = 00FFFF #==================================# # Scroll Of Escape Prot # #==================================# #Allow Soe In PVP AllowSoeInPVP = True #==================================# # Anti-Dual Box System # #==================================# #Dualbox Configuration AllowDualBox = True AllowedBoxes = 2 #=============================# # Anti-Farm System # #=============================# #Anti Farm System AntiFarmEnabled = False AntiFarmParty = False AntiFarmIP = False AntiFarmClanAlly = False AntiFarmLvlDiff = False AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30 AntiFarmPdefDiff = False AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300 AntiFarmPatkDiff = False AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300 #==================================# # Bow Protection System # #==================================# #Disable Bow for classes: write here classes id #that you dnt want allow to use BOW. Class id examples, #you can find others into char_templates database table # # classId className # 88 Duelist # 89 DreadNought # 90 Phoenix Knight # 91 Hell Knight # 92 Sagittarius # 93 Adventurer # 94 Archmage # 95 Soultaker # 96 Arcana Lord # 97 Cardinal # 98 Hierophant # 99 Eva Templar # 100 Sword Muse # 101 Wind Rider # 102 Moonlight Sentinel # 103 Mystic Muse # 104 Elemental Master # 105 Eva Saint # 106 Shillien Templar # 107 Spectral Dancer # 108 Ghost Hunter # 109 Ghost Sentinel # 110 Storm Screamer # 111 Spectral Master # 112 Shillen Saint # 113 Titan # 114 Grand Khauatari # 115 Dominator # 116 Doomcryer # 117 Fortune Seeker # 118 Maestro # # e.g. DisableBowForClasses=107,110 DisableBowForClasses = 0 #======================================# # Anti-Bot (Captcha System) # #======================================# # Captcha System # When someone login,a random text will dissapear.Right correct the word and after you can still playing EnableCaptchaSystem = False #==============================# # Ally & Clan Crest # #==============================# # Show clan, alliance crests for territory NPC's. # Default: False ShowNpcCrest = True
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  7. Ραγδαίες είναι οι εξελίξεις στα διοικητικά του Παναθηναϊκού, καθώς οι παραιτήσεις τριών μελών του οδηγούν το διοικητικό συμβούλιο της ΠΑΕ, που συνεδριάζει αυτή την ώρα, σε διάλυση. Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, παραιτήθηκαν οι κ.κ. Σωτήρης Λουμίδης, και Σωτήρης Τζήμας και ο αντιπρόεδρος της ΠΑΕ, Νίκος Χατζηνικολαόυ. Μετά από αυτή την εξέλιξη τα μέλη μειώθηκαν από τα 13 σε 10 και με δεδομένο πως δεν έχουν ορισθεί μέλη ούτε από την πλευρά του μεγαλομετόχου, Γιάννη Βαρδινογιάννη, δεν συγκεντρώνεται ο απαραίτητος αριθμός, που απαιτεί ο νόμος, προκειμένου το Δ.Σ. να μπορεί να πάρει αποφάσεις. Θ. Γιαννακόπουλος: Πάει για διάλυση ο Παναθηναϊκός Την ανησυχία του για την κατάσταση του Παναθηναϊκού εξέφρασε ο Θανάσης Γιαννακόπουλος εξερχόμενος από το διοικητικό συμβούλιο της ΠΑΕ. Ο ισχυρός άνδρας του μπασκετικού τμήματος των «πρασίνων» και εκ των μεγαλομετόχων του ποδοσφαιρικού εμφανίστηκε οργισμένος κατά την αποχώρησή του στα μέσα της συνεδρίασης του Δ.Σ. του «τριφυλλιού». «Είναι μια πολύ δύσκολη κατάσταση για τον Παναθηναϊκό που βρίσκεται στα όρια διάλυσης. Μέσα στο διοικητικό συμβούλιο άκουσα πράγματα ανήκουστα, δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πως φτάσαμε σε αυτό το σημείο», σχολίασε. Ακόμα, άφησε να εννοηθεί, πως υπήρξαν τουλάχιστον τέσσερις με πέντε παραιτήσεις μελλών. «Η επιφοίτηση του Αγίου Πνεύματος τους ήρθε και παραιτούνται τώρα; Μου είναι αδιανόητο να βρεθούμε σε τέτοιες καταστάσεις. Το καράβι βουλιάζει και τα ποντίκια φεύγουν. Ρωτήστε τους όταν βγουν έξω για τους λόγους που αποχωρούν».
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  14. ~Rasmus~


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