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  1. Hellou, WTS demon dagger +7 WTS Bellion cestus +7 PM me here.
  2. perfect fast services!
  3. Hi, WTS deadmans staff +8 skelth offer me adena or crystal dagger +++ demon dagger+++ PM
  4. i add u on skype and writu u message on forum but no respond...
  5. Hi, WTS Warlord 41lvl = 20kk adena
  6. Hi, I am selling L2 nanna nobless with 5lvl varka ally quest account. Nobless acc main: Eva Saint (ee) 79lvl subs: SPS 80lvl, Destr 75lvl, spoil 60~ lvl In account: DC robe set, some seal stones, 5lvl varka allinace quest, a lot of life stones 76. Price: 20 euro Paypal, Neteller, webmoney accepted. PM me here or skype: simbaa8
  7. hi, i wanna trade 10eur paypal to 10eur psc. Pls pm me.
  8. Updated lower price.
  9. Bump
  10. BUMP
  11. Hi, I sell on l2cleaver x30 interlude acoount + items. account info: Main class: eva saint 80lvl Sub class necro 78lvl spoil 63lvl Nobless Items: AM+ACU+ Aug active magic barier AM+ACU+ Aug active earth attack (stone) SOES + hp bless TTS set +3 Dc robe set +3 Tallum robe set In account also is some mats, s weapons rcpts and other shit... SOLD PLS PM ME IF INTERESTED.
  12. This is a cool browser game i discovered recently. General game info: E-Sim is a simulation of modern world. You can become a virtual citizen of one of 50 virtual countries and participate in it's political, military and economical life. Your citizen can become an ordinary soldier, company owner or run for presidential seat and become the leader of the whole country! You can focus on your own career or help your country in wars and battles. You can organize your own private army or invest in your business - it's all your choice! If you need ANY help,feel free to send me a message there my name is "geor". I will answer you as soon as i read the message ! Register an account with my referral link and you will have a BONUS when you reach level 7 http://secura.e-sim.org/lan.39400/ To greek people: Έχουμε επεκτακτικό πόλεμο με τους τουρκους στο παιχνίδι οποτε καθε βοήθεια μετράει!!!
  13. This is a cool browser game i discovered recently. General game info: E-Sim is a simulation of modern world. You can become a virtual citizen of one of 50 virtual countries and participate in it's political, military and economical life. Your citizen can become an ordinary soldier, company owner or run for presidential seat and become the leader of the whole country! You can focus on your own career or help your country in wars and battles. You can organize your own private army or invest in your business - it's all your choice! If you need ANY help,feel free to send me a message there my name is "geor". I will answer you as soon as i read the message ! Register an account with my referral link and you will have a BONUS when you reach level 7 http://secura.e-sim.org/lan.39400/ To greek people: Έχουμε επεκτακτικό πόλεμο με τους τουρκους στο παιχνίδι οποτε καθε βοήθεια μετράει!!!
  14. can u upload the 2nd file somewhere else?? megaupload is down from FBI !
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