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About Djrooky

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  1. So, as my title says, i want to decrypt and edit interface.xdat from this server. 2 Days ago the server updated they're security on "interface" so i can't deadz interface anymore. My target is to have Deadz interface on the server. I've tryed: L2 fileditor, mxencdec, nothing working, they have Active Anticheat. It seams to be incredibly hard to cheat this server. Hope you guys can help!
  2. -Lineage 2 -WOW -MU -Starcraft -GTA [san Andreas] I think this are all ;D
  3. djrooky007@yahoo.com
  4. Romania don't have money!....We are %^&%[fu'ed up] :| sory for the expresion...
  5. Hi ... Ex for Topic
  6. ff...:))Can someone tell me from where can i get and enchant program for Lineage 2?;d Thhxxx:d
  7. Monitor LCD or wide? And why?:| i really need to know this because i will buy and new monitor ;D ;D
  8. What makes you feel better? the Light or the Dark?
  9. hehehe? Now Chose!:d
  10. Hi i em new here ....i just want to kick some asses:)
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