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Everything posted by Dask

  1. ΑΓΓΟΥΡΗΣ-ΠΟΥΤΑΝΑΚΙ(agouris -poutanaki).
  2. μπάτσοι ! γουρούνια ! ΠΑΛΙΟΧΑΡΑΚΤΗΡΕΣ !
  3. make a poll who's the best lol player in this forum, reward a lol award.
  4. Every champion has a counter enemy pick, so, there aren't OP Champions at all? And why nerfs are coming? You wanna say tha Graves isn't OP? I'm saying that Graves is OP if you know how to play him and not if you can't counter him. Is a different thing.
  5. Επίσης ο Heimer μπορεί μερικές φορές να ακουστεί ως κεφάλας ή επιστήμονας.
  6. Teemo - Δημητράκη Xerath - Χερέθ (Λάμπρος) Το shroud από το Frozen heart - Σφραγίδα Δεν μου έρχονται άλλα.
  7. Είχα ακριβώς το ίδιο πρόβλημα και τελικά είχε πρόβλημα ο σκληρός δίσκος.
  8. How much money have you spent for LoL? People who didn't spent money, don't even post here 8)
  9. Well my Lycossa was fine for sure and yes, maybe the problem could be fixed. Anyway Roccat was nice too and want to buy it ;d and I'm really satisfied from this.
  10. Oh I just saw, you have Razer Black Window, it is convenient, I mean the buttons if you can press them easy etc. I was think to boy Black Window when i bought my first razer gear, was between Lycossa and Black Window but the 2nd was very expensive.
  11. What you mean better? Their price btw was the same, but I think lycossa's material was a little better. Roccat has more options and "smart buttons" to use.
  12. Srsly, demote Finito to normal nember, or ban him I don't know. Boring to carry this shit again and again o.o
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