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Everything posted by spawn123

  1. E apla mporei na eginan kapia changes sta C4 OFF files,wste na symvadizoun me to PTS tis NCSOFT.. :/
  2. Mpravo otan stis etoimasei i mama kali orexi.. Tespa gia na mi vgenw offtopic eidika i e-global den pezei na eixe ta arxeia tis ncsoft mia vdomada meta ap to release tou Interlude Client, edw kala kala itan akoma se test i ncsoft panw sta syegkrimena files.. P.S: Mi vazeis poly alati den kanei kalo ;)
  3. I think accounts are autocreated! Then use the "How to Connect" topic inside the forum
  4. Maybe you use old version of fileedit?
  5. Ok, k egw na kopsw to kefali mou an ypirxan apo tin 1i vdomada Interlude OFF files, k eidika TIS E-GLOBAL..
  6. Kalispera :P Po po ena prama re pedaki mou na mi mporw na koimithw me ayti ti kolozesti..apaapaa
  7. Diladi L2J..Koita ligo ta legomena sou.. To les k monos sou..Den ginete na yparxoun L2OFF files EIDIKA mia vdomada meta to release tou client..
  8. Ela re sy kai gw lew oti exw to Client tou CT2 sto pc mou.. Mi ta pistevete ola re..O alos na gelasei mazi sas thelei..
  9. Ok thanks gia to fast reply!Tha to check ;) EDIT: I taxytita paei volta ^^
  10. Anarotiomoun an exei kapios ta C3 off files,exw psaxei pantou, k opou vrika links itan deleted.. An exoun xeminei sto archive kanenos plz kante ta ena share! Thanks!
  11. GameGuard.. To sygekrimeno prob mou to vgaze otan xrisimopiousa to patched system apo TheGame,E-Global kai BnB (epidi exoun protection) P.S: Checkare tin Lan IP sou,den exeis valei tpt (akyro me to thema)
  12. Lol, i've tested it right now, and it's ok!Maybe you have a time limit?
  13. If you think that my connection closes every evening one time a day!(and more) I'll try to keep in touch sometimes..But let's go back to our project!I saw inside the project's forum that there were XML,HTML,SQL files etc..So we gona make some addons for other servers, or setup a kind of a server..?
  14. The thing is that i entered the L2 Vendetta Server,well it has custom areas (Minas Tirith, Gondor) and as i saw such a project i would like to enter! It would be good for all of us to cooperate and make something amazing! From now on,it's your choice,but count me in!
  15. Because i use Vivodi and it's a big crap..I'll change my provider,after 2 months non-having internet (i want to remember the non-internet days :P) i ll be back! But for everything you decide on this project count me in :D
  16. Mporei na einai off server, alla gia na leei o Artec oti xerei toses "trypes" ston server (gt pistevw ta exei meletisei kala ta server files kai tis dynatotites tou server) kati xerei..
  17. You can't start on your own.. :P I m not in ,cause i ll cut my internet connection in 2 days, and i'll be offline for more than 2 months..!So GL with this idea, and i hope to find the people you need!
  18. Mporeis na xisimopiiseis to Oneo GM Shop http://www.4shared.com/file/16362283/f09f788/Interlude_GMShop.html
  19. Yeah,you posted how to add a logo from a texture (that's what i saw :/) Anyway i can delete my post if you want to..
  20. [Tutorial] - Images in HTML ingame In this tutorial i'll show you how you can easly add a picture in a html of an NPC. First of all you need to take an NPC or make one yourself. I took an existing NPC called Veteran Ascalon html: Veteran_ascalon001.htm this one i will edit with a picture in it. Client side: First take a picture that you want in your html. i took this one: what i have done is edited the height and width in photoshop to 256x256 and saved it as an DDS DXT1 named laller.dds you get the DSS plugin Here Make a UTX file for it. Get UnrealEdit from HERE Install it. Run it with UnrealEd.exe you will get a window with the name Textures. There you go to File > New ,click it you will get a new window. called New Material Package: tutorialtest Group: <empty> name: lol (doenst matter what you put here) and click "New" and close the upcoming window. Go to File > Import. and search for your image and dubbel click it. i named it laller then press OK. go to File > save and save it where you want. i left the name untouched. place it in your systextures directory of your Lineage client. Server side: I took this html From Veteran Ascalon, in Giran <HTML><HEAD><BODY> Veteran Ascalon:<BR> Would you like to hear stories of my splendid past? In my youth I was a soldier of fortune, wandering freely, fighting aliens and making love to women with foreign names. There were some hard times, but my blazing Warrior spirit kept me going. The deep brotherhood among comrades, struggles, fierce battles, love, romance, I experienced it all. I was truly a Warrior. <BR>But now I am old. If I could find a talented young fellow to succeed me, I would retire in peace.<BR><A action="bypass -h talk_select">Quest</A> </BODY></HTML> now if you done the same as me above including the names you can use this code: <IMG src="tutorial.laller" width=256 height=256> then place it where you want in the html like this: <HTML><HEAD><BODY> Veteran Ascalon:<BR> Would you like to hear stories of my splendid past? In my youth I was a soldier of fortune, wandering freely, fighting aliens and making love to women with foreign names. There were some hard times, but my blazing Warrior spirit kept me going. The deep brotherhood among comrades, struggles, fierce battles, love, romance, I experienced it all. I was truly a Warrior. <BR>But now I am old. If I could find a talented young fellow to succeed me, I would retire in peace.<BR><A action="bypass -h talk_select">Quest</A> <IMG src="tutorial.laller" width=256 height=256> </BODY></HTML> if you done that save the html and place it in the html of the server. you can restart the server or got to l2server > Set > and remove HTML Caching Log in and go to the NPC you edited/made and check it out! Source: Postpacific
  21. Yes, i ve putted them aggro.. But when i come close to the guard nothing happens! OmG!
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