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Posts posted by Dradden

  1. i hope serv has over 1,5k real online without boxes,if dont messed up with ddos/lags/dc etc will be a promising server

    we probably come as clan to join but i need first to check how many ppl join and if is stable cause we tired of joining servers that close in 1-2 months,this not offence seriously but i hope you understand the feelings


    i wish all goes well in serv,it seems you do a very good job :)



    p.s add online counter(its a must)



    They are using OVHs new ddos protection which is extremely good and mitigates up to 500gbps so no worries there. As for online counter they are absolute bullshit and really I have no idea what is peoples obsession with them these days. 9o% of sites and servers that have online counters inflate them so what is the point really? Check the forums, login, and voila you know within 10 minutes whether the server is busy or not.

  2. ..

    A fake Dradden started a rumor on pmfun forum. Can't believe how much hate this server is getting  :o


    Yeah that post actually made me laugh pretty good. If it was supposed to annoy me or in some way be bad it failed greatly lol.

  3. U are interested in real online,who cares about bots.


    There are no bots :P At the very start there was over 2k and majority of that was not boxes as most were waiting until a bit later to box. Than the poo poo hit the fan and the numbers dropped to around 1k and pretty much stayed there until the last bit where we have been starting to grow again. Community is damn near bulletproof now at Nostalgia :)

  4. Looks like some people are coming back. Never seen a low rate recovering after so much bashing and so many problems.

    I hope you'll reach 2k again (summer's a bad time)


    It has been very difficult that's for sure. There were a few times where I really thought about just saying **** it but the people bashing us and trying to make us fail lit a fire under all of our asses and made us push through it. Thanks It would be awesome if we could climb back up to 2k though yeah a hard time of year to grow for L2. We will try our best to get it there though.


    There is a scheduled maintenance tonight, read more about it at >> http://l2nostalgia.com/forumpvp/news-and-announcements/server-maintenance-june092013-12pm-cet-gmt-1/

  5. Vote sites suck imo


    I agree 100% and thats why we only added 2, and even those I held off on adding for weeks. Enough people in the community asked for them otherwise i would have never added them.

  6. We broke the 1k mark again yesterday for online with 1044 people online and today sieges are going down so should be lots of fun! People continue to come back to Nostalgia now that they see the server is stable and things are growing again.


    The CMS has had massive updates again as well and at this point I can honestly say it is one of the most feature rich L2 based CMS that has ever been coded. Forgotten is doing a amazing job with it.


    wojjak one of our players has made a killed windows gadget for seeing server status and voting for us from your desktop thanks bud! Check it out here >> http://l2nostalgia.com/forumpvp/support-and-guides/l2nostalgia-windows-gadget


    There will be a IRC event today at 3PM GMT -4. Brush up on your C5 knowledge and join us in IRC for your chance to win Fame and Fortune! The Top 3 winners will be announced on the main page and winners also receive Nostalgia points which can be turned into NC (Nostalgia Coins)


    Join us on IRC!

    Server: irc.esper.net

    Channel: #L2Nostalgia





    Join us!

  7. The crashes when they happen seem to come back to back. The last few nights it was fine for 14 hours and than it crashed a couple of times withing 2-3 hours and than was fine again. We have been making daily updates and each one is to further isolate and contain (wrap) the issues so they cannot cause a crash. It is tedious and time consuming work but we are getting it and the server will be smoothing out and stabilizing over this weekend when Controversy has the time to really get into the core of it.

  8. Most of trolls are admins that own other proyects and fell rage about your sucess.

    Nice idea open a C5 im glad to see a old chronicle


    About x2 SSD dedicated maybe is a 256GB partioned ? because i searched on ur server provider but cant find ur exactly model i saw similars around for 300 - 350 eurs https://www.solarcom.ch/en/dedicated_servers  i checked also resellers


    My question is did you pursached "custom" dedicated or Colocation your own machine ?


    I can get a Xeon® E3-1245 Quad-Core , 32GB ECC DDR3 RAM + 256GB SSD  + 2 x 3 TB SATA 6 Gb/s Enterprise HDD; 7200 rpm (Software-RAID 1) + windows 2003 for 100  eur  plus 149 eur setup on Germany


    If need talk about L2, servers or anythink pm




    Solarcom is not our provider :) But yes we added a extra SSD to  our order so we could RAID 1 the drives.



    First of all learn english ffs ,its 2013 .Besides that , this server sucks so don't post crap before you even know the facts.

    First time they tryed to open that piece of junk they delayed it cause of unknown reasons and let people w8ing for more than 5h for the obvious (that it would start another day) .The day after that they would try to re-open (but as it turned out there was again something wrong ,another fail) which costed us another 5h and as a result they did open like 1:00 gmt +1 where only US / RU nolifers joined at that time.Donations where given after weeks to people who ordered class changes (the other dude reached 50+ lvl on zero class human fighter or donation where not given at all ,my example).And also in the end of the day this server is nothing but a poor shit made for donations only [what's so special about a chronicle 5-6y old with no improvements to gameplay nor a custom feature that makes it more interesting and fun].To sum up server sucks / gms - admins suck (amateurs) who only did what they did to collect some real money from an old dusty update of a surpassed game.Not worth trying at all .


    -1  from me .


    Delays happen on launches, it sucks but is a reality. Donations were not our fault as was clearly stated in the forums and Facebook. The problem was caused by PayPals IPN listener lagging. So yeah it took us 5-6 days (not 2) to manually sort out the donations that failed. We worked 15+ hours a day to get it done and everybody got their donations. The server has been constantly improved on a daily basis and we have quite clearly shown our dedication in sticking with it through all the troubles. Our community kicks ass and contrary to what the haters think continues to grow. We are seeing more and more people returning that had left during the hard times because they have realized the grass is not greener on the other side. If we were in it for donations we would already have closed things.


    Population right now hovers at just under 1k and the economy is getting stronger all the time:




    10k+ accounts made and an average of 200 more being made every 36 hours. We are here to stay and people are loving the server despite what the occasional hater might spam about us.

  9. If you have other versions installed simply cut and  paste the Install folder to another location and than install another version and it will work. Keep doing the same for more versions of the game.

  10. U cant say u had fixed 95% of bugs when mobs in frozen lab didnt drop war/earth amulets,which is as basic as it gets lol :)


    Frost Buffalo has always dropped those amulets people just didn't know how to kill the mob properly in order for it to drop because we actually had it working correctly. Once they figured out that you were supposed to hit the mob with extremely low damage or it disappears they had no problem getting those drops :)


    Large update scheduled for tomorrow night and the CMS has also got a large update>> http://l2nostalgia.com

  11. Everything you wrote is explained well on the forums but since you obviously don't want to take the few minutes it takes to find that information lets do the lazy person short version for you. The server launched on the 27th no idea what you are talking about. I kept everybody updated on a daily basis. Those 3 days I needed to go out of town and the other staff was supposed to keep everybody updated, they didn't do their job and they got in shit for it...not much else I can do on that.


    All bugs? Your joking right lol. There are a few that are taking us some time but thats just the way it goes. We have to this point fixed 95% of the reported and existing bugs, yet your going to QQ about that 5%..nice. Another large update coming tomorrow that adds fixes for the clan system which at this point is very close to complete and bug free. Frozen lab quests are not a priority and we never claimed they were but they will be added.


    We average 800-900 online with an average of 40% people boxing. 100-200 new accounts per day are being created and the community is growing and strong. The tough times actually made our community stronger.


    Understand now?



  12. lol so many fail trolls. Take a look at the bug forum we reply to and resolve every bug posted. Online count now 900+ with over 200 accounts a day made. Haters gonna hate but you can't keep us down :)

  13. There isn't really any large bugs left that I can think of at the moment and the little ones we are fixing everyday :) 384 was just after the rr other than that we have not been below 500 since the start and average 800 that number is slowly increasing thankfully :)


    Thanks for the gl!

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