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Everything posted by joker90

  1. Αν δούλευες για την Microsoft Hellas το ίδιο θα έλεγες ;) xxdem μνημόνια μέχρι να σβήσει ο ήλιος ιρλανδέ μάγκα
  2. I understand but I would like to help them as they helped me when I was 12 years old and this is the reason that now I am a skilled Software Engineer, because of the desire to learn coding and get involve in the back end. Final categories added in the first post of this topic => Includes NPCs Custom Properties Balance Events User Commands(no voice commands)
  3. Update 9 Update Includes Password Manager - PasswordManagerInstance - xml/npc/{id} - html/mods/password/{id} I Introduce you my PasswordManager designed and developed by me, nice and clean and if somone says anything about the early return statement he should go and read this => https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/18454/should-i-return-from-a-function-early-or-use-an-if-statement L2PasswordManagerInstance @Override public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " "); String currentCommand = st.nextToken(); if (currentCommand.startsWith("change_password")) { String currentPassword = null; String newPassword = null; String repeatNewPassword = null; String passwordCheck = ""; if(st.hasMoreTokens()) currentPassword= st.nextToken(); if(st.hasMoreTokens()) newPassword= st.nextToken(); if(st.hasMoreTokens()) repeatNewPassword= st.nextToken(); if(currentPassword == null || newPassword == null || repeatNewPassword == null){ player.sendMessage("Fill the current,new and repeat password"); return; } if(!newPassword.equals(repeatNewPassword)){ player.sendMessage("The new password doesn't match with the repeated password"); return; } if(newPassword.length()<3 || newPassword.length()>30){ player.sendMessage("Provide a password with length 3-30"); return; } try (Connection con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection()) { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); byte[] raw = currentPassword.getBytes("UTF-8"); byte[] hash = md.digest(raw); currentPassword = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hash); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT password FROM accounts WHERE login=?"); statement.setString(1, player.getAccountName()); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); if (rset.next()) passwordCheck = rset.getString("password"); //statement close statement.close(); if(!passwordCheck.equals(currentPassword)){ player.sendMessage("The current password you provide is wrong"); return; } raw = newPassword.getBytes("UTF-8"); hash = md.digest(raw); newPassword = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(hash); statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE accounts SET password=? WHERE login=?"); statement.setString(1, newPassword); statement.setString(2, player.getAccountName()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); player.sendMessage("The passsword changed succesfully"); }catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Password changing is failed" + e.getMessage(), e); } } super.onBypassFeedback(player, command); } @Override public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val) { String filename = ""; if (val == 0) filename = "" + npcId; else filename = npcId + "-" + val; return "data/html/mods/password/" + filename + ".htm"; }
  4. Does the 2 lines of code affect the perfomance of the pack('useless checks')? no. in the other hand this will be very usefull to the people who wants the elfs get the subclasses of dark elfs and the opposite
  5. ok I get it you genius but please stop spamming to my topic, go somewhere else to judge I dont understand why you people know only to judge, this pack is made for the people who don't have the knowledge and the qualification to add some custom features to their server, a lot of people having trouble for example add the Top pvp/pk manager, what I did was to help them. I am doing it only for hobby and nothing more or less, I am going to add to this pack and the next pack(free revision) all the neccesary custom features that I believe is very important if you want to open a pvp server using L2J ACIS !! Wait and see...
  6. .Enfocrash Could you please be more specific, what do you mean by saying flat damage?
  7. It is very risky to balance from this features, you have to be very carefull, I believe it is usefull only if you add or remove a little bit of the class stats, because if for example give +100 p attac to the saggitarius no matter what weapon the character wear the p attack is always +100 , and of course if you don't have any weapon at all the +100 remains..
  8. Sweet the current free acis revision isn't compatible with the above code that anarchy provide, I had to do some manipulation in the code to be compatible, so indeed yes I changed it a little bit
  9. It's very cool .Elfo, for sure better than the frozen one
  10. Update 8 update includes => -Balance System Added + (Anarchy balance system http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/184921-balancer-for-acis/) -Geodata Added Tested and working ! In the first post of this topic BALANCE category added
  11. Update 7 Update Includes Custom Sceme Buffer => It took me 3 hours but it is worth it +L2BufferCustomInstance
  12. Update 6 Update Includes # ----------------------------------------------------- # Availability of all subclasses by any race # ----------------------------------------------------- EnableCustomSubClass= True By enabling the property to true you can add whatever subclass you want from whoever master you like without restrictions, elfs can take dark elf subclasses and the opposite. By adding only two lines of code L2VillageMasterInstance.class // check for the village master if(!Config.ENABLE_CUSTOM_SUBCLASS) if (!checkVillageMaster(pclass)) { availSub.remove(); continue; } PlayerClass.class if(!Config.ENABLE_CUSTOM_SUBCLASS) switch (player.getRace()) { case Elf: subclasses.removeAll(getSet(DarkElf, Third)); break; case DarkElf: subclasses.removeAll(getSet(Elf, Third)); break; }
  13. Check the updated first post of this topic, I will keep all the new changes in the first post.
  14. Update 5 Update Includes - GATEKEEPER <npc id="50017" idTemplate="31862" name="Crystal" title="Gatekeeper"> ...... <set name="type" val="L2Teleporter" /> ..... </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50017 html/teleporter/{50017-1 to 50017-16} xml/teleports.xml
  15. Update 4 Update Includes - Custom Augmenter - Skill Enchanter - WareHouse Skill Enchanter <npc id="50013" idTemplate="31124" name="Maria" title="Skill Enchanter"> ...... <set name="type" val="L2Trainer" /> ..... <teachTo classes="0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24;25;26;27;28;29;30;31;32;33;34;35;36;37;38;39;40;41;42;43;44;45;46;47;48;49;50;51;52;53;54;55;56;57" /> </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50013 html/trainer/50013.html multisell/52300 Custom Augmenter <npc id="50014" idTemplate="32010" name="John" title="Augment"> ...... <set name="type" val="L2Merchant" /> .... </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50014 html/merchant/50014.html multisell/52100 multisell/52200 WareHouse <npc id="50015" idTemplate="18284" name="Marios" title="Warehouse Keeper"> ..... <set name="type" val="L2Warehouse" /> .... </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50015 html/warehouse/50015.html
  16. First of all I am thinking of making only one table for all my new custom features, the reason that I didn't use the tables and the empty fields that acis database provide is because I want to keep the db clean, whoever don't want to use my custom features he can easily drop the table and BAM it's again the same, I don't want to mess up with aCIs pack, all I want is an extension for custom features...so for example when tryskell release the next free version I can easily adopt it with my customs
  17. Update 3 L2RankingInstance Added => Author Plugin /** * @author Devlin * @description This npc is a players Ranking npc. * */ Working perfectly https://github.com/kkafkas/L2J_aCis_custom/commit/de5370026a51d25d79b27edbd30580f638038e8f
  18. Yes but what about Hero CountDown ? Let me be more clear... You have to save somewhere the state of user(The Current Time which is the time when the user use the hero item) now every time he log in you have to calculate the Current Time - Previous Time and check if he exceed the threshold
  19. Update 1 # Usage: if True , Then When A New Character is Created , Its Level is Automatically CustomStartingLvl = True # Character Level You Want CharLvl = 80 # Set this option to True to enable custom titles on new chars. CharTitle = True CharAddTitle = MyServer.com # enable pvp color system EnablePvPColorSystem = True # Settings For Ammount 1. PvpAmount1 = 500 ColorForAmount1 = 293546 # Settings For Ammount 2. PvpAmount2 = 1000 ColorForAmount2 = 00ff00 # Settings For Ammount 3. PvpAmount3 = 1500 ColorForAmount3 = 0000ff # Settings For Ammount 4. PvpAmount4 = 2500 ColorForAmount4 = ffff00 # Settings For Ammount 5. PvpAmount5 = 5000 ColorForAmount5 = ff0000 # # Set this to True if you want to add a custom spawn location for ALL new characters. # choose the coordinates you want Example: # SpawnX = 149999 # SpawnYY = 46728 # SpawnZ = -3414 CustomSpawn = True SpawnX = 149999 SpawnY = 46728 SpawnZ = -3414 # Shows total players number on login. OnlineOnLogin = True # If it is true, it shows a htm on every player's log in. # It is located in data/html/welcome.htm # You can edit it from there. WelcomeHtm = True # Show Welcome PM on start PMWelcomeShow = True PMServerName = L2-Sample PMText1 = Have Fun and Nice Stay on PMText2 = Vote for us every 24h # New players get fireworks the first time they log in # Default: False NewPlayerEffect = True =============================================================================================== Update 2 # ------------------------------------------------------- # Noble Custom Item Configuration - # ------------------------------------------------------- # When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Noble Status. EnableNobleCustomItem = True # Id Itemn Need's type="EtcItem" name="handler" val="Recipes" # Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false AnnouncePkKill = True # Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false AnnouncePvPKill = True # ----------------------------------------------------- # Hero Custom Item Configuration - # ----------------------------------------------------- EnableHeroCustomItem = True HeroCustomHours = 1 =============================================================================================== Update 3 Ranking System Added => Author Plugin Devlin =============================================================================================== Update 4 Update Includes - Custom Augmenter - Skill Enchanter - WareHouse Skill Enchanter <npc id="50013" idTemplate="31124" name="Maria" title="Skill Enchanter"> ...... <set name="type" val="L2Trainer" /> ..... <teachTo classes="0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24;25;26;27;28;29;30;31;32;33;34;35;36;37;38;39;40;41;42;43;44;45;46;47;48;49;50;51;52;53;54;55;56;57" /> </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50013 html/trainer/50013.html multisell/52300 Custom Augmenter <npc id="50014" idTemplate="32010" name="John" title="Augment"> ...... <set name="type" val="L2Merchant" /> .... </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50014 html/merchant/50014.html multisell/52100 multisell/52200 WareHouse <npc id="50015" idTemplate="18284" name="Marios" title="Warehouse Keeper"> ..... <set name="type" val="L2Warehouse" /> .... </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50015 html/warehouse/50015.html =============================================================================================== Update 5 Update Includes - GATEKEEPER <npc id="50017" idTemplate="31862" name="Crystal" title="Gatekeeper"> ...... <set name="type" val="L2Teleporter" /> ..... </npc> Files Add/Edit xml/npc/50000-50999 => 50017 html/teleporter/{50017-1 to 50017-16} xml/teleports.xml =============================================================================================== Update 6 Update Includes # ----------------------------------------------------- # Availability of all subclasses by any race # ----------------------------------------------------- EnableCustomSubClass= True By enabling the property to true you can add whatever subclass you want from whoever master you like without restrictions, elfs can take dark elf subclasses and the opposite. =============================================================================================== Update 7 Sceme Buffer: modifying the original one +L2BufferCustomInstance class =============================================================================================== Update 8 update includes => -Balance System Added + (Anarchy balance system http://www.maxcheate...ancer-for-acis/) -Geodata Added Tested and working fine ! =============================================================================================== Update 9 Update Includes Password Manager - PasswordManagerInstance - xml/npc/{id} - html/mods/password/{id} I Introduce you my PasswordManager designed and developed by me, nice and clean and if somone says anything about the early return statement he should go and read this => https://softwareengi...an-if-statement =============================================================================================== Update 10 Update Includes => TVT Event Manipulating this code => http://www.maxcheate...eave-tvtstatus/ VoiceCommands .tvt_join (joins the user in tvt) .tvt_leave (leave the user from tvt) .tvtstatus AdminCommands //tvt_start (not waiting for the TVT_EVENT_INTERVAL and immediately starting the event, if and only if the state == EventState.INACTIVE) //tvt_cancel (immediately cancel the event, if and only if the state == EventState.PARTICIPATING) //tvt_add (adding a simple user in the tvt) //tvt_remove (removing a simple user from the tvt) Bugs Fixed 1. Error in Heal.Java fixed L2MonsterInstance: callSkill() failed on skill id: 4020 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2MonsterInstance cannot be cast to net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance 2. IF the match is tie the tvt is getting finished and you are getting teleported and not waiting for final kill 3. Another bug i have found from the below code, In L2TvTEventNpcInstance you should replace this if (!TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(playerInstance.getName())) htmFile = "TvTEventParticipation"; else htmFile = "TvTEventRemoveParticipation"; with this if (!TvTEvent.isPlayerParticipant(playerInstance.getName())) htmFile += "TvTEventParticipation.htm"; else htmFile += "TvTEventRemoveParticipation.htm"; Update 10.1 Update Includes => new event engine Share configuration for all the new events 1.Dynamic number of teams 2.Different color per team 3.Different coordination per team 4.Different team name per team You can create as many teams you like //NEW seperated by semicolon TvTEventTeamName = Good;Evil;Some TvTEventTeamColor = ffff00;ff0000;0000ff TvTEventTeamCoordinates = 148695,46725,-3414;149999,46728,-3414;149999,46728,-3414 To be clear here, these days I am creating a completly new event engine for TvT,CTF,DM using Polymorfism and Abstraction for all the Events. The events will share methods,atributes and fields. The goal is a good architecture designing so we can easily create and adopt new events above that. #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Team vs. Team Event Engine - #--------------------------------------------------------------- # enable TvTEvent TvTEventEnabled = true # Time Between TvT events (in minutes, 300 = 5 hours) TvTEventInterval = 2 # Registration timer (in minutes) from start of event. TvTEventParticipationTime = 1 # Event running time, in minutes TvTEventRunningTime = 2 # TvT Event NPC Details (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc) TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 50021 TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 83358,148879,-3405 # Minimum amount of players allowed in each team TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 20 # Level rules TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 70 TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 80 # Remove buffs effect TvTEventRemoveBuffs = false # If Enable Players cant be healed TvTHealPlayersEnable = false # If true, gives reward for kills stage without die # Example: Get 3/7/10 kills without die, and you will be rewarded # No more than 1 item! TvTKillsRewardEnable = true TvTKillsReward = 57,500000000 # Teleport delay Timers (in seconds) TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 5 TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10 # Back to Town TvTEventBack = 83013,148595,-3469 #Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point) //NEW seperated by semicolon TvTEventTeamName = Good;Evil;Some TvTEventTeamColor = ffff00;ff0000;0000ff TvTEventTeamCoordinates = 148695,46725,-3414;149999,46728,-3414;149999,46728,-3414 # Reward for winning team # itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount;... # no ";" at the start or end TvTEventReward = 57,100000;5575,1000 # TvTEvent Rules TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = true TvTEventPotionsAllowed = false TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = false # Door id's to close/open on start/end # ex.: 1;2;3;4;5;6 # no ";" at the start or end TvTEventDoorsCloseOpenOnStartEnd =
  20. L2J aCis Custom Pack Hello to everyone, The main goal of this project is to provide the most important, useful and necessary custom features in L2J aCis project that every pvp server rely on, I've chosen L2J aCis because it’s a very clean and maintainable pack and of course I am going to keep it in that way. Every second week I release 15 new custom features from GitHub and of course you are welcome to join in our team. I want to mention here that I am using only the latest free revision of aCis which the current is 360. The members who gives reputation on the first post will get full access for every release, and they don't need to wait for every 15 updates, I will make a private repository for them as well, I will give them my full support for any adoption, if for example they have acisVersion>acisFreeVersion exclusively, there is no problem at all ! GitHub Link => https://github.com/kkafkas/L2J_aCis_custom NPCs Scheme Buffer =============================================================================================== Gatekeeper =============================================================================================== Warehouse Augmenter =============================================================================================== Skill Enchanter Ranking =============================================================================================== Class Manager PasswordManager designed and developed by me =============================================================================================== Custom Properties CustomStartingLvl = True CharLvl = 80 CharTitle = True CharAddTitle = MyServer.com EnablePvPColorSystem = True PvpAmount1 = 500 ColorForAmount1 = 293546 PvpAmount2 = 1000 ColorForAmount2 = 00ff00 PvpAmount3 = 1500 ColorForAmount3 = 0000ff PvpAmount4 = 2500 ColorForAmount4 = ffff00 PvpAmount5 = 5000 ColorForAmount5 = ff0000 CustomSpawn = True SpawnX = 149999 SpawnY = 46728 SpawnZ = -3414 OnlineOnLogin = True WelcomeHtm = True PMWelcomeShow = True PMServerName = L2-Sample PMText1 = Have Fun and Nice Stay on PMText2 = Vote for us every 24h NewPlayerEffect = True EnableNobleCustomItem = True AnnouncePkKill = True AnnouncePvPKill = True EnableHeroCustomItem = True HeroCustomHours = 1 EnableCustomSubClass= True =============================================================================================== Balance Balance System Added + (Anarchy balance system http://www.maxcheate...ancer-for-acis/) =============================================================================================== Events TVT Event Added =============================================================================================== User Commands .tvt_join (joins the user in tvt) .tvt_leave (leave the user from tvt) .tvtstatus =============================================================================================== Admin Commands //balance //reload balance //tvt_start (not waiting for the TVT_EVENT_INTERVAL and immediately starting the event, if and only if the state == EventState.INACTIVE) //tvt_cancel (immediately cancel the event, if and only if the state == EventState.PARTICIPATING) //tvt_add (adding a simple user in the tvt) //tvt_remove (removing a simple user from the tvt)
  21. Hello to everyone , we are developing a serious new interlude l2j server and we are searching for 2 active gms to help us with the front 'In Game' , if anyone interest to join to our team just send me a pm ,
  22. το tittle του topic τα λεει ολα μην spamarete σας παρακαλω.
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