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About `xFrost

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  1. Hello people, As I mentioned I would like to learn using photoshop, is there any guide that will help me? I want to learn from the best sources possible.. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm selling my account on EUNE. I no longer play this game so I don't need that account and I would like to make some money out of it. It was diamond IV or V (it no longer is because it dropped from D4 to PLAT due to inactivity, but the MMR still remains high.) It includes 11 rune pages, and a lot of champions that you can see below: http://imgur.com/a/iN6S9
  3. Okay, lock it then. It's solved. Thanks.
  4. I can't do that. I have removed all NPCs (including mobs) from database -> spawnlist.
  5. It's not exactly an NPC. It's something you can kill. and you can find it in some servers as a farm monster
  6. Hello guys, Does anyone remember the name of some yellow eggs in L2? because I don't anymore. and I can't find them.
  7. Initially I had this error(http://i.imgur.com/Z12bQT2.png?1) but after I installed Sliksvn it was gone. and now I get this error message Buildfile: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\L2JHellasC\build.xml [echo] Building L2j Hellas. Requirements: Clean: [delete] Deleting directory D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core Building Dirs: [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\classes [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\doc [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\doc\3rdPartyLicenses [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\login [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver [mkdir] Created dir: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\libs Version: [exec] Result: 1 [exec] Result: 1 [echo] version = svnversion: E The working copy at 'D:\Users\Chris\workspace\L2JHellasC' [echo] is too old (format 10) to work with client version '1.9.4-SlikSvn (SlikSvn/1.9.4)' (expects format 31). You need to upgrade the working copy first. Compile: [echo] Compiling L2J Hellas. [javac] Compiling 1276 source files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\classes Jar: [jar] Building jar: D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\l2jhellas.jar [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\libs dist: Build: [echo] Creating L2J Hellas Server: [copy] Copying 16 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\libs [copy] Copying 3 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\login [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver [copy] Copying 3 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\doc [copy] Copying 9 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\doc\3rdPartyLicenses [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\login\config [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Admin [copy] Copying 7 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Events [copy] Copying 13 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Main [copy] Copying 7 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Mods [copy] Copying 3 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Network [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Network\IPConfig [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Olympiad [copy] Copying 3 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\login\config\Network [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\login\config\Network\IPConfig [copy] Copying 4 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\gameserver\config\Others [copy] Copying 3 files to D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\dist\login\config\Others BUILD FAILED D:\Users\Chris\workspace\L2JHellasC\build.xml:198: Failed to create missing parent directory for D:\Users\Chris\workspace\build\Core\L2J_Hellas_Core_svnversion: E The working copy at 'D:\Users\Chris\workspace\L2JHellasC' is too old (format 10) to work with client version '1.9.4-SlikSvn (SlikSvn\1.9.4)' (expects format 31). You need to upgrade the working copy first. .zip Total time: 11 seconds
  8. Thanks but I want to play on a server that is already opened
  9. Hello, Do you guys have to suggest a server x50 / x75 with a lot of players online that is russian? with crafting A/S etc.
  10. Can you exhange money to foreign countries? For example: I will give you a 50€ psc and am from Greece, will you be able to transfer the money to the USA?
  11. Hey, I'm not able to use my credit card for foreign payments (from Greece to another country(f.e. USA). What am I supposed to do? is there any way to send money to a person that lives in USA?
  12. Hello, I'm here to sell an account on EUNE. I'm not gonna be playing this game anymore so I'm willing to sell my account. Diamond IV account with 11 rune pages, too many champs as well check below: http://imgur.com/a/iN6S9 I'm in need of money, so the price is not gonna be high so feel free to shoot a PM if you have any questions.
  13. I'm selling my accounts on EUNE and EUW. the account on EUNE is Diamond 2 and the other one on EUW is Diamond V. Both of them have got a lot champs, rune pages and runes. For more info PM me your skype, we can discuss about it more and negotiate the price.
  14. Calling me kid over and over again because you tryna' sound mature, yet you're embarrassing yourself. No, I reported you because you REMOVED me from skype right after I sent you the PSC CODE without saying a thing. In-short: you attempted to scam me.
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