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Everything posted by DemoniK®

  1. Καλησπερα παιδια, εχω χασει τον κωδικο μου απο το TorrentDay Tracker. Υπάρχει κάποιος που να μπορει να μου δώσει πρόσκληση για νέο λογαριασμο;
  2. Thank you sir for testing. We will keep up the good work. Thanks you for 5 stars. We appreciate it.
  3. Guys please give a minute for my new app. We offer Free Likes for Instagram. Let me know if you like our service and if you like it ,consider leave us a positive review. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gr.givealike.givealike
  4. Guys please give a minute for my new app. We offer Free Likes for Instagram https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gr.givealike.givealike
  5. Hello guys, i need your precious help. I have left lineage era behind me, i am an android programmer right now. And i have uploaded my first app in Google Play. It is related to Football Betting tips and it is called Daily Betting Tips I would really appreciate if you could give it a try and left some comments about any suggestions. Click here to see it in Google Play Thanks in andvance. George
  6. Καλήμερα μέλη του maxcheaters!!! Είχα καιρό να μπώ στο φόρουμ,αλλά σαν παλιός εδώ σκέφτηκα ότι μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε με μια εφαρμογή που κάνω. Daily Betting Tips - Google Play LINK Είμαι προγραμματιστής εφαρμογών android και πρόσφατα ανέβασα στο Google Play την πρώτη μου εφαρμογή με προτάσεις στοιχήματος. Σας παρακαλώ πολύ αν είναι εύκολο να κάνετε μια λήψη για να με βοηθήσετε με το counter, και άμα σας αρέσει μπορείτε να την κάνετε και share μέσα από την εφαρμογή μου. Daily Betting Tips - Google Play LINK Σας ευχαριστώ για τον χρόνο σας, αν έχετε απορίες ή συμβουλές για να βελτιώσω την εφαρμογή μου, γράψτε στα comments. Φιλικά, Γιώργος
  7. Παιδες καλησπερα!! Ενας γνωστος μου χρειαζεται μερικες προβολες σε ενα βιντεο του. Αμα δεν σας κανει κοπο απλα καντε κλικ στο λινκ για 2-3 δευτερολεπτα για να μετρησει το view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJm_A15yuNk Ευχαριστω, Τα λεμε αργοτερα ;)
  8. I trust this guys.You should trust him too.Very good job.+1 from me
  9. Our growing community... We are waiting for you too.Join us today!
  10. We disabled kino for now.Its like a lottery. SERVER IS NOW ONLINE !!!
  11. Thanks guys, Server is opening tonight 20:00 GMT+3. I will upload the updater some minutes before 20:00.Stay Tuned
  12. Welcome to our server L2Anakim GRAND OPENING TODAY 20:00 GMT +3 Our Basic Rates: Exp: x5000 | SP: x5000 | Adena: x5000 Drop: x1 | Spoil: x1 Safe Enchant: +4 Maximum Enchant: +16 Crystal Maximum Enchant: +20 Normal Scroll: 60% Blessed Scroll: 95% Crystal Scroll: 100% (You will get them by Vote Trophy's) We are working hard on class balance every day! We are trying to keep the balance steady. So they are gonna be weekly updates and fixes. You can always check for updates and fixes. Main town - Giran Augments - 1Active & 1 Passive Secret Book of Giants Unique Farming Zones Unique Raid Bosses Unique Leveling Zone Wedding system Augmentation system Full NPC Buffer Global Gatekeeper GMShop Special Shop NPC Skill Enchanter Max count of buffs - 50 Max subclasses - 3 Free and no quest sub class Free noblesse status No weight limit No grade limit Retail olympiad game Competition period [1] weeks Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00] Clan Hall Manager Castle Manager Account Manager PvP/PK Manager Offline trade system LifeStone Chance : 10/15/Top:22 Interlude retail skills 98% Server up-time [24/7] [99]% Class balance 98% ~ Custom Items ~ Custom Weapons ( Obilivion ) Custom Armor (Obilivion) Custom Tattoos (Fighter/Mage/Tank) *Not Overpowered* Anakim Apiga | Vote Trophy | Anakim Donate Coin Noblesse Item | Lucky Box Clan Boost Item[/color] Other Features Kino Bonus Farming System Saturday Farming Bonus Clan Boost Item Survey System PvP Features Lucky Box Anakim's NPC's Global Gatekeeper GMShop NPC Buffer Costum Shop Augmenter Skill Enchanter Dyes Manager Password Changer Castle Manager Class Manager Clan Hall Manager Server Info Donation Info PvP/PK Top List Manager Voiced commands .repair - Repair your character .kino .survey .offline_shop .away & .back .deposit & .withdraw ~ PvP Color System ~ PvP => Color 3000 => This Color 5000 => This Color 7500 => This Color 10000 => This Color 15000 => This Color A New Era Begins...
  13. We will postpone launch for 5 days.We are changing the whole economy of the server. We understood that our ideas were very old,so we decide to totally change it. Stay tuned.I will inform you daily. Regards, Lineage][Anakim Staff.
  14. Dear Commuinty, The Server will have a Little Delay for the Grand Opening, i have to put Some new Changes. Stay Tuned. Lineage][Anakim Staff
  15. I don't know this server.I don't know, it could be.Server is based on some old successful projects but it has his own unique features too.
  16. I reduced speed thing to minimum , we are talking here about a +5 speed bonus. Updates : We want to improve your character's security,thats why we added a personal pincode.
  17. You are right, but i am not reading only this forum.I get opinions from other communities too. If you have any ideas please share them with us
  18. I listened your idea too about enchant chances ;) Actually the first week is kind of beta mode.It wont be a wipe or anything else.Only updates and restarts of the server.After first week server will be more stable. I repeat no wipes or roll backs. P.S Sorry about double post !
  19. We will see about hero every week,but castles will remain every 2 weeks for now,I think its better this way. About Bishops we will have the first week to work on that too.
  20. Make event zones some open pvp big areas.(Currently is P.I.) We will work on that. Make farm zones bigger/more so there will be enough mobs for everybody and it will be open PvP. Check. Don't make 2312511 buffs available.So everyone can choose best buffs for him/her self. Like 32+4 buff slots / 16 dances. Check. Scheme buffs,Vote reward system by IP so there won't be afk bots. We can't make everything right now.Its on the schedule for the first week. Make most thing farmable so again people won't stay all day afk. Check. Heroes every week. Heroes are every 2 weeks. Castle every week. Castle's sieges are every 2 weeks too. Some olympiad anti-feed. We have our protection we hope its enough we will see. Achivement system would be great. like daily pvp reward, daily farm reward and so on. Thats a very good idea ! Thank you. Clann halls. I don't know what you mean.But they are working perfectly and already have spawned npcs inside. Mana potions. Mana potions are already increased. PP buffs only in events.So people won't die easy and they have to show some skills. We are currently working on that. Also PvP zones with BP available and PvP zones without BP. I can't understand what you mean. Thanks for your support.
  21. Enchant Chances Changed : Normal : 75 , Blessed : 85 , Crystal : 100( But its hard to find them ),also Speed Boost reduced to minimum.
  22. Well we are considering your opinion,but if the server is too easy,players will be bored very soon. CHANGE OF PLANS : Vesper Weapons and Intact Armor Removed and replaced by S Grade Weps&Armors. Thanks for your idea,we will think about reducing it or even remove it. We have about 15 hours left till server launches for first time.Any critical change is possible till then.So please leave a comment below.
  23. Thanks a lot.We are waiting you tomorrow in-game :) We are already working on new weapons.I will inform you about any changes.
  24. We can always change the textures of the weapons.Thanks for your comment.We will think of it.
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