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Everything posted by FeeLGooDinC

  1. TeKToN , DooMx mono mn kanete copy paste :P
  2. Comon reply :)
  3. Will these posts count in order to see exploits?
  4. I dont want to believe it too but that is the truth and when i log from my pc i will give u link for ifficila site
  5. Gh if server has pvp armors if not maybe adven . Cuz of mirage I love when it miss the target and just go FRoM BeHiND ;pp
  6. I didnt say running around full + str and lower other stats , just need to find the second part of the equation so that daggers will be balanced . And in quite a lot server i played using - str (epilogue) i saw many blow failures . And not just servers that are 6 months old but 4 and 5 years so ...
  7. At l2 official site and it changed when gracia was released . So -str dyes = /fail
  8. 1000x , max +16 enchant rate 75 % NO CUSTOMS , and gracia 2 only dynasty ;)
  9. Aden FTW so u can take nc pics ;p
  10. I was searching for dyes in some sites and i saw in a page that daggers skill succes rate does not depend anymore for dex but from STR . First i didnt believe it , then i searched it and after i examined it and it is TRUE !! In epilogue str matters at dagger !
  11. Just lower the dex dye to +2 , and about buffs i am going to examine a bit and i will tell you
  12. About the + str and the skill crit rate i am going to search it , cuz if u are right about + str adventurers especialy will need it :)
  13. Epilogue and gracia final were the worst changes . When gracia part2 was unleashed it was l2`s best time :'(
  14. Earth , make skills earth , there isnt a single buff for earth resist just 2 songs u will do medium damage and if u r a good gladi u are gont to pwn them all . Earth also cuz prophet buffs dont support earth attry :)
  15. If u play with dagger in oly , except the one sword u have make another one with dark for ur skill judgement , cuz daggers have way to much evasion now in oly wr for example
  16. About the third dye use + con for stun resistance and more hp
  17. If u mean class , i would use -con + dex just that . Both shield buffs for mages especially and also some hp regenaration buffs . Song of life , regeneration . And u will never die :)
  18. I have another opinion , when u are with wr u dont need more dex for skills u just need con and nothing else , when u are with th u need just dex for a bit more speed . U can t just have too much dex or con or str it just needs to be balanced
  19. What about skills pvp and holy attry?
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