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About Prozack

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello guys, i have a league of legends account that i wish to sell because im no longer interested in playing that game. Account specs: 80 champions, many skins/bundles, 11 full rune pages Leagues: Silver II- 71 points money spent on that acccount: over 120 Euros. Selling Price:50 euros Payment methods:PayPal Or if you happen to be from Greece we can meet for the trade Sorry for any mistakes or for anything about the account i didnt mention.
  2. gracia clients has more buggs of course , because they came out rly fast and 1 after the other ( imo) so i voted for gracia :P
  3. i prefer active skills like celestial shield and battle roar , but i really like patack/matack skills like might duel might empower wildmagic as passive
  4. i have been hero 15 times ( 8 out of 15 times with duelist )
  5. i have seen LOTS of female gladiators in the servers that i have played so far , its clearly a matter of "style" that each player prefers , i know males seem better but females are also good , to get to my point yes i have seen a lot of female glads so i voted for yes :P
  6. voted for overlord, cause if you have a pt with buffers included its super
  7. im currently using windows 7 and i can play lineage 2, and it isnt "sux" in my way of thinking its even better, just having some problems with the window ( if you put it very high game becomes full screen) but exept this everything is fine
  8. it is really hard to find a program like this , and its even harder to make it work
  9. target macro is %target , if you want to write something like Assist me %target you have to use a gap behind the %
  10. correct.. my vote goes to normal bsoe
  11. you have to be more sufficient... what kind of fighter do you need? if its a tank or dagger avoid using patack buffs, if it is archer then use patack ,evasion,and pdef mdef + atk spd
  12. BP/PA is the best combination in my way of thinking
  13. paladin/glady/prophet/overlord
  14. i quite like sph as a pvp char and specially in gracia final servers cause he's got loads of m.attack and a quite nice skill combination
  15. quite a few servers.. some of them are : 1)l2ublimity ( www.l2sublimity.com ) 2)l2loyal ( www.l2loyal.com ) 3)l2 mxc ( www.l2mxc.com )
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