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Everything posted by CrazyBoOm*

  1. pff nub know wtf mean spam?? Tell me! Many sites dont tell the true for this i ask (/na)
  2. pff! You can stuck subs! also i eat 5k dmg from sagi no balanced, i will leave from your server!
  3. Again no balanced!! Nost you will remove the ls yer or no?
  4. 1.i dont know that(mean open today) 2. is another thing that 3. i wiat to see the 50 ppl
  5. pff?? In top list there is only 2ppl? And wtf mean is new?? How many server is new and have many pvp??? i want like 20-30 pvp because is "new" And you doing idiotic posts
  6. top pvp top player have only 2 pvp?
  7. 8 ppl and the server have lag?? lawl EDIT:/fail
  8. kk ppl on? EDIT:SERVER dont work ! I run l2 and stuck in l2icon!
  9. SURE??? There is any custom item? Blessed can be farm easy?
  10. BTW SORRY BUT ABOUT BALANCED class suck! Mage in pvp =fail all server is archer's also fix the fucking range from archers !
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127184.0
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