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Everything posted by HellRuLeR

  1. Re pri3arxidia poly 8elw na petyxei o srv gia na to voulwsete merikoi.Ama dn goustarete to interlude apla mhn kanete spam.
  2. Another question:How much Gb graphic card i am supposed to have in order to play league of legends at the highest level?
  3. Can you type me here the site or the site is alienware.com?
  4. I found one with 1,7k but the important thing for me is for the pc to have i7 core.The others with 1k euros offer i5.
  5. Hello ladies and gentlemen.We can express our opinion here about corki free.I think now he became very awesome champ for skilled players who know how to use him.Also we can discuss the best build.I think for the beginning you should pick a doran's blade,if you don't make dmg pick second.You should start with ad runes and armor penetration.For boots i pick those with attack speed + enchant movement 2.If you are pro in the beggining and you get too much gold you should buy an infinity edge(it is very effective with corki).You may buy phantom dancer for attack speed,movement,and critical but I don't suggest it(It's better to buy a second infinity edge than waste gold for phantom).Depending on circumentances always you should form the build.For example if you have a strong tank for rival pick last whisper.Then a best choise is the bloodthirster.I usually pick one or two depending on the circumentances.Also beacause corki doesn't deal only physical dmg but also ap a hexteck would be fine(I haven't tested till now).
  6. Riot mastrubrating All day-All night!
  7. Omg it rocks for sure!Thanks this one is for me!:)
  8. Yi.I hate his fucking ulti run fast and high atck speed.Then akali(so fucking ulti range),brand(<-----FUCK YOU NOOB OP CHAMP),and finally karthus ulti...Ooops i forgot my favourite champ and one of the most annoying in game ______CAPTAIN TEEMO ON DUTY!:P
  9. Hey I wanna buy laptop and I want to know the best choise. I am interested in high gaming experience(for league of legends) and a pc with high resistance for example:I don't wanna buy a laptop that breaks down early...Please leave arguments don't just vote.Thanks in advance.
  10. Elpizw na kratisete cruma.Gamaei to meros...
  11. Paei kai o ninis ante pali ta persina...Pezoun e8nikh sakateuontai kai meta pezei o panathinaikos me th mish omada...
  12. Ti les re des ton pws pezei.San th lolomaria.AMPALOS!Kai genika h e8nikh fetos einai gia polles klwtsies.Dexomai 3erw gw na xasoume apo thn kroatia alla oxi na xasoume apo tous skopianous!DROPH TOUS!
  13. That we should all do is 1)To clear if the leave is for rage reasons or net probs. If it is raged reason we should report him!
  14. To gamimeno to NBA ton katastrepse ton koufo!Allos 1 logos gia na antipa8ei kapoios to NBA.Enan Obradovic na eixe to paidi kai 8a ginotan diadoxos tou nowitzki deite ton sto video kinhseis.Tou moiazei para poly...
  15. It's nice account but for newbe summoners...It's nice beginning acc so if you are interested serius in lol you should buy it!
  16. Nice spree...I guess you have premade team.Today I broke my mouse cuz of leavers/feeders.I don't wanna play solo games again.They are all suck!
  17. Impossible to take no kills.If someone knows to play jax he cannot loose easy...
  18. They should better fix trynda,jax and yi and then talk about soraka.
  19. Kleisame logan.Ena 4ari akoma kai pame teliko euroleague kai fetos.http://www.leoforos.gr/article/27965/erthe-phtiagmenos-vdspics
  20. Kala file ase h arsenal ti exei pa8ei 1,5 xrono twra?Nikhse thn barcelona 2-1 kai twra trwei 8ara apo th united?
  21. A friend of mine is interested in selling account but it may sell it 200 euros or more cuz it worths about 300 euros.If you are interested pm me here to bring you both in contact.
  22. psa3e gia site inter sport an uparxei egw apo ekei psonizw otan anevainw a8hna...
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