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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. This could work too. I will check the skill id, if there's a special skill handler for it or something.
  2. if ((text.startsWith(":") && activeChar.isVIP()) { CreatureSay cs = new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), 15, activeChar.getName(), "[VIP] "+text.substring(1)); Collection<L2PcInstance> plrs = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values(); for (L2PcInstance player : plrs) { if (player.isVIP()) { player.sendPacket(cs); } } activeChar.sendPacket(cs); } Like this it should work fine. The 15 i put is a red color of text. Try the types in Say2, for example Say2.TRADE and choose the one you like.
  3. Just saves a variable with the time the party enters and when players want to see time, System.currentTimeMillis() - your variable /1000/60. Actually it's true the code doesn't set the droplist of the mobs. You have to create 2 mobs, same looking and set their droplist.
  4. Can you tell me the id of one of those flying skills?
  5. So this char in the picture looks cool for you? Bha, nobody will join, just because of this screen. Customs just ruin your server, if they are used in this way. Also another good reason is your free website. And perhaps your home pc(if it's homehosted).
  6. Just modify ChatAll.java.. Make a boolean, and if text begins with your prefix, for example ~ say the text in the way you want(your channel) and set the boolean to false. Then say the text normally if the boolean is true and not false. I hope you get me.
  7. Speaking english in Greek section, saying that you are looking for a ready interlude server(in shit english) and that you're willing to open a server with these files and expecting for a serious answer? Seriously man, start reading some guides(but first take a look at forum's rules).
  8. Oh god.. Show a pic, or what is says... I guess you don't have the correct name/pass of your database..
  9. Because I will re-code it for topzone and maybe some more gamesites and re-sell it.
  10. One copy sold. Not sellable any more, if a mod sees this, please lock it.
  11. How exactly does it work? You play in game, go and vote and receive reward? Or must the server reach a certain vote amo.unt to get the reward?
  12. Sto NpcInfo.java bres tin grammi 82 kai kane post apo 5 grammes panw kai 5 grammes katw ton code. Den nomizw to error na exei kamia sxesi me to event pantos...
  13. Yeah, i know it's really simple(you just check source code of site and get the votes), but i haven't got much time right now. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks btw :)
  14. Hello everyone. I am here to sell a vote reward system. The idea is not mine, since it existed on several servers, but never been shared(from what i know at least). How it works: Every player votes for server on hopzone. Every x votes, all players get rewarded. There is an unique config where you can choose how many boxes will be rewarded from same ip(check configs below). If the server is on the first page of hopzone, the players get bigger reward. There is an announcement that says how much votes are needed for first page. You have to set first page rank, since on hopzone there are 50 ranks on first page. On default it is set to 15. Configs: # Vote reward for Hopzone. AllowHopzoneVoteReward = True # Vote reward server link. HopzoneServerLink = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/74078/L2World-Servers/ # First page of servers list link. HopzoneFirstPageLink = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/ # Votes for next reward needed. HopzoneVotesDifference = 5 # Rank needed for server to be on first page. HopzoneFirstPageRankNeeded = 15 # Minutes between rewards. # Eg. You put 5 it checks every 5 minutes for reward. HopzoneRewardCheckTime = 5 # Small reward(s). HopzoneSmallReward = 57,100000000; # Big reward(s). HopzoneBigReward = 3470,1; # Hopzone reward max dual boxes reward. # For example if you put 2 and someone has 3 boxes open 2 will be rewarded. HopzoneDualboxesAllowed = 1 # Game server console report. # If set to true, game server console will get a report of # current vote count, votes needed for next reward and votes needed for first page. AllowHopzoneGameServerReport = True The L2World servers was just an example for my tests. Payment methods: - PayPal: 15 euro. - PaySafe Card: 20 euro. Pm me here. P.S. - It is coded on interlude, but i can adapt it FOR FREE and help on installation(but you will also receive an INSTALLATION.txt that will guide you). - It is coded 100% by me, i just took the idea, so i won't accept things like it's not yours or you don't have the copyrights.
  15. Not really... Anyone can read them you don't have to be a 'starter admin'. It is good advice.
  16. at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Character.doRevive(L2Character.java:218 2) Show 10 +- lines of line 218 in L2Character.java.
  17. Trusted and definitely skilled. Good luck mate.
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