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About l2gang

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  1. New players join every day, over 500 players online. http://www.l2gang.com
  2. Server is online and stable. Just went live, come and play. http://www.l2gang.com
  3. Less then 19 hours and L2Gang will start again fresh. Get ready. http://www.l2gang.com
  4. on last server, maybe. Server is High Rate, one year without wipe, and was ddosed by stalone or jakk for months, and after that much ddos i`m glad we still got 300 online, means ppl want l2gang to be on, as about 1 pt of bots, i agree, could be done before wipe, cause did not had any restriction there. But after this wipe everything will change, ddos protection proved 100% effective, l2tower won't work anymore, max 3 boxes from same pc(not ip), hwid ban, as anhel said, 1st month NO DONATIONS possible, and many more changes for players not for server. So give it a try, might like what you find. http://www.l2gang.com
  5. 2 Days to opening, site changed, forum changed and wiped, many new changes await. A new chapter is about to be written in L2Gang (4 years online) . Be there.
  6. Okay, thanks. Tell me the results please, it's an important test for me. If its possible write me the hours when you start and when you finish. http://www.l2gang.com
  7. DDOS protection has been installed in L2Gang. No more LAG, no more D/C. http://www.l2gang.com
  8. Reward for Voting has been increased to 30 Goldbars. New Clans on L2Gang with minimum 5 players get free LvL 8 and 100k CRP. www.l2gang.com www.facebook.com/l2gang
  9. Event Engine Added : Team vs Team - Classic Team-based event - Intelligent dividing players into teams, based on their strenght score (items, level, pvps,...) - Multiple instances support - Scorebar showing score of both teams as well as time-left - Reward available for both winners and losers - Simple respawn with delay or wawe-style respawn system - Player's title shows his score, deaths, etc. - All players are automatically divided into parties, the engine is trying to balance the count of healers in all parties so that each party can have at least one healer - Support for more respawn spots for all teams. - Multiple maps Capture the FLAG This is propably the second most famous event not only on L2J. It is similar to the TvT, but the killing your opponents itself isn't rewarded - the goal of this event is to steal enemy's flag and bring it to your team's flag. - Intelligent dividing players into teams, based on their strenght score (items, level, pvps,...) - Scorebar showing score of both teams as well as time-left - Reward available for both winners and losers - Simple respawn with delay or wawe-style respawn system (respawn all dead players every X seconds - all of them in the same time). - Player's title shows his score, deads, etc. - All players are automatically divided into parties, the engine is trying to balance the count of healers in all parties so that each party can have at least one healer - Support for more respawn spots for all teams. - Multiple maps Domination This is team-based event. The goal of this event is to capture and hold a zone, which is represented by an NPC. The players need to get close to the zone (NPC) and kill all enemies standing near it too. There are many cool effects on this event, such as red/blue circles arround players standing near the zone, effects for zone itself and fireworks when players score. - Team-based event (2-5 teams) - The goal in this event is to capture and hold a Zone (represented by NPC) - You can capture the zone by standing close to it and killing your enemies standing close to the zone too Last Man Standing This is a free-for-all PvP event. It is similar to Deathmatch event, but it runs in rounds. There's a configurable count of rounds in the event and when a player ends, he has to wait untill the next round starts to get respawned. The winner of the round gets additional score. This event is based on Deathmatch, so all it's features work for this event too (such as antifeed protection, advanced reward system,...). Deathmatch This is the famous free-for-all PvP event. The goal of this event is obviously to kill each other. This version of Deathmatch event contains advanced protection, which completely changes appearance of all players (including clan/ally crest, title, name,...) in the event, thus you never know who are you fighting with. Parties, chats and all other invites are disabled on this event. Lucky Chests This is an (almost) PvP-free FFA event, although in some cases PvP might occur in the event, when for example a player gets transformed into something the other players need to kill. The goal of this event is to kill as many chests, which are randomly spawned in the map/arena, as possible. The event either ends after a configurable time limit passes or when all chests are opened (killed). Each chest does something else when killed or being killed. When dead, some just raise your score, some give you a better weapon which makes killing the chests more fun (the weapon is usable only in the event), some give you a temporary or permanent buff, like Wind Walk, some transform you into NPC giving you special abbillities, and much, MUCH more. The chests might also explode and unless you are protected (by a shield/skill/buff you may have obtained during the event), it will kill you. The event also contains both score streak system, which rewards the lucky ones (players who manage to kill many chests in a row without dying), and death streak system, which gives some advances to players who are having a bad day and die often. - Free for all event - Gain points by killing chests - All players start with preset stats and weapons, but they can advance during the event and obtain better weapons or skills - PvP is enabled only on transformed players (players are sometimes transformed by chests - sometimes the player becomes a fast bunny, tenacious pig, unarmed yet fast frog or almighty yetti who is a threat to all other players) - Scorebar showing the top player's score Hunting Grounds It is a team-based events, similar to Team vs Team. The main difference is that all players are allowed to use only the bow, which is given to them at the start of the event. They also have all same stats (same run speed, same accuracy, atk speed, etc.). The bow kills everyone in just one hit. - similar to TvT, but all players have bows only. - one shoot = one kill Zombies This is a Free-for-all event. At the start, some random players are transformed into zombies and they have to chase and kill the other players. The survivors (= players who are not zombies) are equipped by a bow and they have to stay alive until the event time limit passes. The zombies are very fast (their stats are overriden in this event, so are the survivors'). Also in this event, one hit = one kill. - all non-zombie players get a bow, zombies have high run speed - one hit/shot = 1 kill - every player who dies becomes a zombie - event ends when all players become zombies (or timelimit passes)
  10. Oo, 740 nolifers on today. and if you say shops/dualbox, i calculated over 600 without dualbox or shops. If that means this is a no-life server, then i must agree that nolife is fun. Thanks all for the interest in L2Gang.
  11. L2Gang is almost ready for a new start, Will be WIPED in few days. If you have past memories in this server, prepare to overwrite them, many changes happened already, many people announced their comming back, new amazing adventures, pvps, epic battles will take place on the best high rate pvp server. 3 Years Online and counting. Join NOW. www.l2gang.com Rates and Enchant: - 1000x Rates - +3 Safe Enchant - +10 Max Enchant - 33% Enchant Rates - 50% Attribute Rates - Adena drop:Custom (in farmzones) - Raid Boss Jewels drop x1 Skills/Buffs: - Skills are up to High Five chronicle - Buff time 4h [with some exceptions] - AIO Buffer is available in all towns,for every player - Buff Slots: 24+4 Buffs / 12 dances&songs / 12 trigger skill - Certification skills - working without quest Events: -TvT every hour - Giant's Codex, Gold Bar reward Grand Bosses: - Custom droplists on the ground - Custom lvl - 84 - Spawn time - 1 week - Site Show boss spawn time - Custom pvp zone in raid area with auto-flag - Custom mini-raid in farm zone Custom Features: - Hero every week - 3 Hours Olympiad every day - 60 matches every week - Farming areas - Offline shop - Spawn Protection - Nobless Quest -5 Gold Bars - Spawn Protection - Automated Events - Elemental level 4 - Currency - adena - Sieges every 2 weeks - Territory Wars every 2 weeks - Ward reset every 2 weeks - Working siegable clan halls - PvP Zone with auto-flag - PvP reward (Festival Adena) - PvP System - Pc Bang Point system 3 Years of uptime, for more info www.l2gang.com
  12. zaken is in instance, keltas doesnt exist. Yeah i know freya is on ALL servers, i just cant make it. Class balance means alot of things on highrate / buffs 4h / mana 400 , and cancel is not disabled. Any more complains dear Anhel? Tell here, maybe something good comes out of your irony :P
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