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Everything posted by Noizee

  1. Thanks :*************
  2. MMmmmm............
  3. Can someone tell me how can I edit this file to resolve gameserver problem it shows mi ping 9999 but the trafic is light Please someone tell me
  4. You have to see it and change in ipconfigs.xml in gameserver/configs
  5. chenge Protocol and protocol discription? please tell me how can i fix it
  6. And how can I fix it ? Change p[rotocol revision?
  7. Hi, i have some problem about game server then i'm trying to enter the world it shows me ping 9999 an I coundnt enter . Im using l2jserver server pack 7667. please someone help me :(
  8. I have the same problem too Can someone tell us how to change crystal scroll rates?
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