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Everything posted by Noizee

  1. And I need lindvior stats to edit it can you help me?
  2. Someone help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  3. Hi, Im using l2jserver rev.7669 an When i SPAWN Lindvior it shows him lvl55 , But it have to be lvl 87 as i know And I whant to know is this raid boss fixed yet? And how can I edit it (sorry for my bad english)
  4. Can someone tell me when is next major update? This is the best packs
  5. Mortal strike --- Discription (<!-- NOTE: This skill increases "Blow Rate" and description in client says "Critical Rate" but is client typo, so please don't change this skill -->) In Epilogue (last update ) This skill Was Increasing crit rate. Is this Freya Change?
  6. And the skill discription in datapack is <!-- NOTE: This skill increases "Blow Rate" and description in client says "Critical Rate" but is client typo, so please don't change this skill --> (Is it changed on freya?)
  7. this is compiled revision
  8. Hi, Im using L2jserver rev 7669 . And i have some problem with skill mortal strike. when I use this skill nathing hepens but it have to increase crit 10%. Can someone help me how to fix it? (Sorry for my bad inglish)
  9. Hi, I want to maket in community board gm shop and buffer how can I do it? Please hel;p Im using L2j server rev.7669
  10. Nice skills , but is it working on l2j server
  11. HI , I'm using l2jserver pack7669 and In giant cave (lower level) there are missing 3 raid boss. I dont know thes promlem is mine or the server pack is not full .can someone help me how tu fix it?
  13. I did this, Custumnpctable=true; but still is the same problem. Im using l2jserver rev.7669 and i think that this problem has this packet. (sorry for my bad english)
  14. wich servere pack are u using?
  15. Error creating costum npc table. i'VE GOT THIS ERROR WHILE IM STARTING gameserver. how can I fix it I need custum buffer and i need this costum content. can someone help me?
  16. aNd how can update?
  17. dance of siren is missing please add it
  18. Dance of Fire is missing please edit it and Share
  19. You need Phx security not java file
  20. Hi , Im searching gm shop and buffer for freya. Im using l2jserver . I have service manager by allen(epilogue) and im searching Upgrade for this Npc for freya. Can someone help me?
  21. 16/10/2010 16:25 ERROR 1136 (21S01) at line 15: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 (Error log) can oyu help me now?
  22. I have some problem. then I was upgrading database there was error with fort.sql. can someone tell me how to fix it? (sorry for my bed inglish)
  23. Hi . Im using l2jserver rev.7665 and I have some error with fort sql. (Server is freya) {16/10/2010 01:35 ERROR 1136 (21S01) at line 15: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1}---- This is the error. If someone can help please write
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