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Everything posted by exity

  1. At the moment i don't want to tell any exact date but we think in the next three months we will get it ready :) Soon i will post all the features server will have implemented
  2. Hello everyone im here to announce a server that me and my brother have been planning to build since we were just players of lineage2. We had a server some years ago but in the time we had very low experience on programming, so we decided to close it and invest in a programming course that actually is what we do for living nowadays. Four years have passed and now we decided that we got the knowledge and the skills to open a serious lineage2 server. About the server we are developing at the moment i can announce that it will be based on some servers we have played mostly PvP and custom ones. About the features we have got alot of ideias and im leaving here just some of them. Principal Features * Race vs Race System - Only same races allowed in party/clan/ally - If you kill other races you wont get any karma but increased pvp - if you attack your own race you will be flagged and if you kill you get karma - Every race will be spawned in their main town And much more.. *Race King - Every two weeks the players of every race with more pvps done in that time will be named as king of the race {As a king you will get many advantages:} - All hero features - Unique active skill based on your class - Unique Armor, Weapon and Accessories And much more.. *PvP Classes - All classes will be reworked in order to make them pvpable (Not just add a simple Triple Slash on a blade dancer) for example prophet will be able to transform in many forms (Like nidalee from League of Legends) As been told we have many great ideias related to many topics like Custom farm system's, Unique enchant system, Custom items, Events and much more, we really want to hear your suggestions in order to develop a great server. - ADMIN paradyze - ADMIN wiCkeDoNe
  3. It should work, i tested myself and works, be sure you have paste the current libs from your compiled project
  4. Create a condicion in RequestJoinPledge.. if (activeChar.getClan().getMembersCount() >= "NUM") { activeChar.sendMessage("Your clan is full!."); return; } NUM = the number you want of max clan members in a clan. Hope i help.
  5. Hello people, i need some help im giving some items when heroes are formed i can give the items for the players who are online at that momment, how can i give to the offline ones too? Any help?, thx in advance
  6. I found it can be locked. Thx
  7. I just want to disable it at all, because im gonna give titles according to player rank :P Thx
  8. Ive searched there and can't find it Thx in advance
  9. Hello i want to disable Clan Tittle from the game, ive searched in L2Clan but i can't figure it out. Thx in advance
  10. In L2MonsterInstance.java find public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) and add this: if(getNpcId() == MOBID) { if(((L2PcInstance) killer).getClan() == null) { return false; } ((L2PcInstance) killer).getClan().addReputationScore(1, true); Adds 1 clan rep if you want more increase the number "1" ((L2PcInstance) killer).sendMessage("Your Clan Reputation is increased."); }
  11. Hi anyone can help me im trying to create a condition that will check if player is near the party leader. I have a cicle checking all party members but i can't figure how to create a condition that will check if player is near lets say in an area of 400, i knew how to do it but forgot. Thx in advance
  12. Thank you so much :)
  13. Hello ppl where i can manage the sit recovery percent? ive been searching in the core but cant find nothing. Using hi5 Thx alot
  14. How do i can make when enchanting shield to increase for example pdef ive tried: <enchant order="0x40" stat="pDef" val="10" /> Not working Thx in advance
  15. No need anymore i got it for Fr$$ Lock topic.
  16. You know the name of it? it would be awsome if you can share
  17. Hi is there anyway to protect my .dat files beeing opened by other ppl? Thx
  18. i will test this today, and ill give feedback, but i can say thanks for this big share seems awsome
  19. Hello im tryint to edit some utx in Unreal Editor when im saving it give sme one error saying that the filename has one or more spaces in it Any help?
  20. You can, ive done some simple quests to my server, you will need to play with client too
  21. Thank you for your reply, anyway what should a use linux or windows server? thx
  22. The port thing is the network card, the 10mb upload is from internet :p
  23. also im gonna get a better disk, and get 24mb upload
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