Hello guyz... dunno if you already know me, but I was owner of L2Forever.NET server... I haven't been active for a while in L2 community because I was pretty busy with studying (I'm first year at Faculty for Computer and Information Science)... anyhow, I am offering you l2off files, custom AI and web scripting... if your interested, just send me PM and we will discuss it further regarding price and other stuff.
L2OFF Interlude PACK (includes protections, geodata, scripts... everything you need to run a good server)
Custom AI scripts (any AI script/mod you want, I can code it)
If you still don't know what I mean by that... some examples:
- Class Changer: starting with first class (default class changer has only 2nd and 3rd class) with prices on class change or any other addition
- Rebirth Manager (don't say.. you can get it already for free... I can make it different, the way you like.. anyway this is just an example)
Web Scripts:
- Top stats, dynamic banner images showing player stats, castle status (showing who's attending siege, how many players are on siege grounds, how many players are defending and how many players are attacking and stuff like that, w/e you like)
- If you want I can code your own "N-Watch" - same as l2sublimity has
- NEW: Online Stacksub script!
Anyhow, if you interested in any of those, just send me PM and we will discuss it further...
How will I know you can code that, or you really have files?
- I will show you how the server works on my private server, you will get GM status and you will be able to test it as much as you like before you buy it.
- If you one specific script, I will code it and you will test it. Same goes for web scripts.
How do I pay you?
- I accept only paypal and WU (western union).