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Everything posted by BBanHammer

  1. That's what I have to prove first. But what I can say, if you stick around, you won't be disappointed. Anyway, server is still under development, I will post updates - I am preparing something unique besides L2R basic features, slowly you will see the full image :)
  2. That's not the case, dunno if you read the post I made on my forum... I was quite active player on L2R and loads of my friends played there and it was our favorite server besides L2F and I just loved the gameplay... anyhow, I don't play L2 for quite some time now, but what I do is code, and what I can do for those who played on L2R and loved it like I did? I can bring it back... isn't that what all old L2R player want? It would be a shame to miss the chance to play on L2R again... if you didn't like it, then don't come, but for those who liked it - check it out and decide by yourselves if you gonna stay or not. As I have already said on my forum the only donation will be VIP coins (to access VIP buffs) to maintain balance and keep the server up and running. And if you would bother to check the features you wouldn't say lolserver. Anyhow, It's your opinion if you already decided what you gonna think then I can change that. But you should be a little more open to new things... I never lied about my identity unlike others and I always said the truth. If you don't like it, then you should come. If you got any futher questions i will be more then happy to answer them.
  3. I never opened L2Emerald because I didn't have time. This is my second public server. Anyhow, I wish you all happy new year, for those who will stick around or will come by later! Happy new year 2011! Feature list added to forum: http://l2revenge.org/forum/index.php?board=16.0
  4. did u see the features? that's just quick walktrough, i will only use the basic l2r features and add loads more to increase pvp (both retail like and mid rate pvp) and extend gameplay
  5. I was never flaming him for copying the name, what i said was that he should not pretend to be someone who he's not, i never pretend to be some1 im not, im honest about it
  6. I had good reasons for closing l2f, http://l2revenge.org/forum/index.php?topic=3.0
  7. Because my friend Vim gave me the world database so I could test web scripts :)
  8. server will open for beta testing soon (it's not yet opened)
  9. i never insulted them, i even encouraged ppl to go where they thing it's the best about l2f, read here http://l2revenge.org/forum/index.php?topic=3.0 ... real life comes first
  10. this is dizzans server, u can see his failed attept to become howrad here -> http://www.whois.net/whois/l2revenge.us anyhow it's ppl's choice to decide which is better and will be better :)
  11. Server opening delayed until further notice.
  12. I set it as an example, if you know how to code, then you shouldn't be looking this topic (btw, class changer what the -beep-, did you notice 99% of serverx have test server helper for class changer? say again, what the -beep-)
  13. lol, gracia final l2off files ;D u made my day :D
  14. Those stats are fake =) $guests_online *= 10; :D? and time is set to one day ;D
  15. you feel threatened by this crap of a server? btw, which revenge was managed by you? the first one or after? (i played just on the one managed by howard) if u werent admin, what was your position then?
  16. [sLO] sej ni nc narobe odpret podoben server, narobe je to, da se pretvarjas da si neki, ki nisi - ce nardi slab server itak slabo luc na sebe meče, zato pa more spremenit nick zmeri haha[/sLO]
  17. web is ugly, forgot to fully RIP it back then? or you just didn't know how to do it ? and just saved some images ;D lolz you really show lack of all kind of skills hehe
  18. caming* you meant cumming? xD btw this is just a random server :P
  19. Why do you create new account/nick every time you open new server? Because everyone hates you? :D
  20. This server is managed by "Fake Dizzan" aka "Domen Pecnik" (fake L2X admin), it's 100% fake (confirmed by real L2R staff). Even the website shows their lack of knowledge. This is just pathetic how you pretend to be someone your not. Server has no feature.
  21. retards lol, it's .ini file xD if stupidity is here ---- maxcheater is here ----
  22. Hello guyz... dunno if you already know me, but I was owner of L2Forever.NET server... I haven't been active for a while in L2 community because I was pretty busy with studying (I'm first year at Faculty for Computer and Information Science)... anyhow, I am offering you l2off files, custom AI and web scripting... if your interested, just send me PM and we will discuss it further regarding price and other stuff. L2OFF Interlude PACK (includes protections, geodata, scripts... everything you need to run a good server) Custom AI scripts (any AI script/mod you want, I can code it) If you still don't know what I mean by that... some examples: - Class Changer: starting with first class (default class changer has only 2nd and 3rd class) with prices on class change or any other addition - Rebirth Manager (don't say.. you can get it already for free... I can make it different, the way you like.. anyway this is just an example) Web Scripts: - Top stats, dynamic banner images showing player stats, castle status (showing who's attending siege, how many players are on siege grounds, how many players are defending and how many players are attacking and stuff like that, w/e you like) - If you want I can code your own "N-Watch" - same as l2sublimity has - NEW: Online Stacksub script! Anyhow, if you interested in any of those, just send me PM and we will discuss it further... FAQ: How will I know you can code that, or you really have files? - I will show you how the server works on my private server, you will get GM status and you will be able to test it as much as you like before you buy it. - If you one specific script, I will code it and you will test it. Same goes for web scripts. How do I pay you? - I accept only paypal and WU (western union).
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