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How delete skills from SQL DB
BBanHammer replied to thebenckis's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
USE lin2world DELETE FROM user_skill WHERE skill_id >= 3605 AND skill_id <= 3625 OR skill_id >= 3404 AND skill_id <= 3556 -
I have already said that since I first opened L2Forever (it was my first server - this one is second) I had very little coding experience, but now things have changed.. I coded all the php scripts used on my site by myself as well the registration page that I will use is coded by me. So tell me mcbigmac, what was your first l2off server (and when was that)?
Indeed I joined 6 months ago, and indeed I learned much more in that time that you ever knew. So unless you have something to show your just another kid that does have nothing else to do then spam and hate others work. (right, you had a CD with loads of AI and extender work, but too bad that your dog ate it) This conversation is over.
I am not gonna argue with you since I see you wont change your mind and keep you head in the sand... regarding registration page? I never claimed on L2Forever too make that page, anyhow for L2Revenge I will use registration page that I coded myself. "Hatters gonna hate no matter what."
As a matter of fact I have created everything that's on my forum under features atm except the pvp zone, anyway I have do not have to answer to you. This is because the files are publicly accessable. Anyhow, it's not your place to comment unless you have some knowledge of on your own and something to show.
I never said i claimed it for my own, I said what my server has when you claimed it had only script modifications. This is not topic for this kind of discussion, so take it elsewhere.
I believe you should go elsewhere discuss this, anyhow it's not only AI scripting.. PvP Zones, Automation Mob spawn, despawn at certain hour, skill, item, chat blocking on specific zones... you should know that ...
Don't judge before you even know what they do and how they are obtained. If you do not like retail like servers then this is defenetly not a server for you. Custom doesn't necessary mean unbalanced or bad, it depends on how much effort and time is put into it. Anyhow, if you prefer retail-like server then this is not for you, for those who have open mind, your more then welcome.
Today I have been working on a feature to prevent raid luring for their spawns. I want this server to experience as much pvp as possible, therefore I have decided to implement s.c "Back to Spawn" features for grand raids (includes Sekhmet, Osiris and 14 VOS raids). How does it work? Well once you lure the raid too far it will port back to it's spawn (note all grand raids are located in pvp zones). The second thing is new event called "Speedy Bunny" that will be automatic and will happen each day in different town. How does it work? Each day at specific predefined time automatic announcement will be made that "Speedy Bunny" has appeared in town (Giran, Gludin, Goddart and soo on.. each day different). Once someone finds him you can talk with him. You will receive reward and bunny will despawn and spawn again in a different place in town (each time someone finds him he will shout the name of player that found him and respawn). This circle will repeat few times and after the end of event will be announced. Same kind of event will be also managed by GMs from time to time (imagine 100 players running from one place to another to catch the bunny :D ). And the final but not nearly last L2Revenge.ORG features are custom weapons made by Sycento Weapons from Underworld - Limbo - Gate of Oblivion Here is a screeny
UPDATE ON CUSTOM FEATURES: Today I have been working on a retail feature upgrade... you all know all those treasure chests that lie around that none wants to open? Why?.. because they contain nothing special - this is about to change. All custom farming and leveling zones will contain special chests (different kinds) for specific player level (if your too high or too low you will not be able to open the chest. Wat do they contain? They contain all sorts of things, from custom materials, adena, some even weapons... you might even stumble on one that gives you good experience. Here's screen of the chests in VOS :)
Give it up already, it's obvious you are alt account from on of your beloved serber staff... I wont comment who's server is better or who knows more about L2 and coding, just wait until servers open and comment there. I will ignore any of ur further posts because it's not worth arguing with you.
First of all this kind of accusation towards me based on what? As from the second paragraph your facts or what ever you would call that is complete nonsense and doesn't make any sense, so before posing such thing on other forums make sure you know what's going on. These kind of accusations towards me are outrageous. Second of all, you might just wanna put some more attention to securing your forum then flaming and sabotaging others. And how dare your criticize my features when you have nothing to show. I believe Taylor owes me an apology. Here's a friendly advise: spend more time learning on security and improve your skills then blaming others for your own mistakes. I made those mistakes on L2Forever, I learned on them and I will never make them again.
How do you mean? That server has nothing to do with me. ------------------------ ON TOPIC: NEW UPDATE: Hello again! Tired when your killing raid boss on 10% HP and enemy party comes with few bishops and hills it to full? Say: NO! Stop with that! All grand raids including custom raids will be located in custom Raid Zones. - once you enter zone you become flagged and stay flagged until you leave (outside zone you maintain flagged for few more seconds to prevent zone hopping) - inside zone you are not able to cast Restore Life.. what happens? Literary "nothing happens". Here's a screen of raid and raid zone and what happens in sys window once you try to cast restore life: MORE PVP == MORE FUN On the upper picture you can also see one of the main custom raid Sekhmet besides almighty Osiris which is spawned my the players themselves :) more about Osiris soon!
Fist of all, i see you have no idea what you are talking about. L2Forever was my first server and it had 800 players online. - it did have few wipes because there were loads of haters that wanted to destroy the server and they watched for every mistake I made, but really, they made me a big favor by doing that, I learned on those mistakes and I will never make them again - for closing server I have good reason, real life comes first to me and because I had to choose either L2 or University i decided to finish all exams and then when i got time and all the needed experience reopen new server - about the donations I already told you there will be only VIP coin donations to maintain balance and keep server running Seems like you put your head in sand and ur not willing to except anything else but you own "holy" truth. Anyhow, for those who seek something unique and worth playing, I invite you to join the forums and check out other features.
I closed the server because I was preoccupied with university, I have explained it quite some times, anyhow... ------------------------------------------------------- I have updated features list: You can check out new updates here: http://l2revenge.org/forum/index.php?board=16.0 Quick intro: As you already know main zone is VOS (valley of saints) which is occupied by Seth's army. I have decided to create new NPC - Gate of Oblivion - that will spawn every once in a while in heart of VOS (there will be around 5 of this kind). What will they do? Once they spawn you can speak with them and open the portal to another dimension. But you never know what comes back! Case 1: Mathayus (raid boss) is spawned - is announce to world. Case 2: Anubis's Warrior (elite warrior) is spawned - is shouted to world. Case 3: Player that opened the portal receive Weapon of Underworld which is way more powerful then any other mortal weapon around. The downside is that it can not be traded (it is soul bound) and it lasts only few hours (once it times out the weapon will disappear - it counts down either your logged in or not, you wear it or not - enjoy it until you can!) --------------------------------------------------------------- The second thing that I made today is - Treasure Hunt! How it goes? It's simple... (event will happen few times a week and will be managed by staff) 1) GM announces event. 2) Once time is up gates will close. 3) GM will announce event start. 4) Around 50 crests will simultaneously spawn on random positions on event grounds. 5) Once crests are spawned players can start opening them. When player opens chest one of the following things can happen: 1) Player receives 1-3 Event Coins (copper) 2) Player receives nothing. 3) Player is killed by treasure chest. Event ends once all crests are opened or all participants are DEAD! :D Here are some screens: much more to come...
Howard Stern was nick of old L2R admin (what does that mean you can figure it by yourself i hope)... what's your problem anyway, did you even play on L2Forever, did you even read what I wrote on the forum? Haters gonna hate no matter what, for those who are open to new stuff, check it out.