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Posts posted by GodDamNeD

  1. Nobody tried to make a decent custom server. Laziness, lack of creativity, wannabe 'devs' with 0 skill are major factors in why there are no custom server nowadays. 'Normal' servers are completely B-O-R-I-N-G and doesn't necessarily mean they are balanced. They give you the false sense of perfection and balance, when none of them are really balanced. Non custom servers are just about as unbalanced as a custom servers. Non custom servers are out of date, 100% retail is not impressive anymore, everybody looks the same, no strategic character builds. Customs make a server unique and more interesting as well as keeping the players occupied if done right.


    Not that there's "no way", but just nobody tried it or has enough brain power to make it work. It's harder, more time consuming (yaw kinda) but still, NOT impossible.


  2. *Try to restart your server

    *If you still doesn't see your weapons,you put them wrong!

    i restarted the server but nothing... i dont do nothing wrong, before 10 minutes i was able to see them but i was change something in sql and it dissappear, i did the sql again as it was but nothing fss -.-


    edit : someone lock it.. its something with sql!


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