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Everything posted by AbSoLuTeP0WeR

  1. :troll: :troll: :not bad: you are better than me. :rage:
  2. this is the vip section. and i am not even registered or loged in. and i can see it.
  3. i am not even registered. i don't know if someone else know it. just reporting :D and i will say to you how i did it. but you must unban my real account :) name= AbSoLuTePoWeR and rename it to AbsolutePower thats all. :D
  4. 0xa0xa0xa i was angry. i am ok now :P
  5. just learn how to use the || and &&. ok i am wating for the ping. i won't answer any more. just waiting :)
  6. it was a troll ok. but who care i just don't like it because you pretend that oooo i am pro i can do it. so if you can do this... do the ping too. if you can't do it just say that you can't and not that you don't like it. :) well i am waiting your first sell mate don't worry :) Correction part: as i said your code is wrong because 1): || <---means or. &&<--- and... so lets see: we got 2 towns and we wanna check the x... and we got this: if(x > y || x > i) and this: if(x > y && x >i) do you understand now your mistake? to be the x first must be the (x > y && =and x > i) not "or = ||". and the second is that the system starting from the npc. and not from GameServer.java. i won't correct you any more do anything you want.
  7. pathetic because he share something that iam selling and also is wrong? i don't think so.
  8. still waiting for the ping you :lied: by the way your code is wrong... now we all know that you know java :troll:... you know why?? because of this: else if ((aden > giran) || (aden > gludio)) the right way: else if (aden > giran && aden > gludio) :not bad: there are many mistakes in your code. :not bad: :not bad: (the whole code is wrong) STIL GOOGLEEEE??? for ping AND NOTHING YET? :not bad: c'ya Mr coder :troll:
  9. you code what ever you can do. this you can't. simple and easy. you pretend the smartass with easy codes right?:forever alone like a boss: :-beep- yeah: ps: as i said its not the same. :)
  10. ok make it i don't have any problem... you pretend the smartass with the easy codes. :-beep- yeah: your code is wrong. there are many mistakes.
  11. make this mister pro. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=263280.0
  12. make it for all...good and evils and make this too: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=263280.0 :D ohh no what??? you searching it in google? anyway its not the same
  13. Hello guys! :) Just look the video: price: 30 Euro ps: this is not my account... i just change the name. if you don't like it don't spam
  14. ola auta pou grafeis uparxoun idi sto mxc l2jdevelopment section....
  15. the poet is back! when a project appears tryskell and others starting flaming with the good way to avoid the "warnings" woops no i forgot money never get warned. so "you flaming with the good way" to pretent that you are someone.... flame is flame with the bat or the good way. so stop flaming all the time dirty darf and look your business. :happyforever: WE ARE WAITING YOUR POEMS MATE.
  16. omg mate... where is the ip?? _playerOne _playerTwo this is the right: ip1 = _playerOne.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress()); ip2 = _playerTwo.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress()); if(ip1.equals(ip2); understand? or better add this: if _playerOne.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress() == _playerTwo.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress()) then message no same ip bla bla :) edit: sorry gia ta agglika mperdeutika :P
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