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About unkynd

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  1. done
  2. Looking for a wolf with top gear, please leave a message if you have or can get. Also, leave the cost of the wolf.
  3. done
  4. done
  5. done
  6. Can you message me if you have items on the elmorelab x3
  7. I am looking for gear for sale on x3 leave items you're selling and prices and I will message you if I am interested. Not looking for adena. ITEMS ONLY! Do no reply with message me on discord. Leave the information on items you're selling and a way to contact you. If interested I will message you. Follow instructions.
  8. yeah where is the free version for interlude I am not willing to pay for bottling that just seems pointless. send me a private message if you want.
  9. Your server is dead, your support on Skype never answered. People can't even make accounts on the forum or discord because the activation codes aren't sent. Just close your joke server. You failed! You cant even end an event on time. The frog event was supposed to end weeks ago still going. Keys are still dropping from the previous event before that. Geo data is messed up AGAIN! Still have constant spamming for rlm trading through mail. It's a joke!
  10. Is it possible to pot on l2red?
  11. Made many supports, is there a skype?
  12. Also check the discord chat bug where people cant get into it because the invite is broken, and waiting on forum verification is not a good idea. I have a friend who never received a verification and still cant type a bug on the forum. Chest are also still dropping keys when the event is done. I have over 15 keys and nothing to do with them. I would make a forum post but I cant.
  13. Do more with the server please, you did an event finally but you need to do more.
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