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About MiCroN™

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Nice it looks cool !!! :D I am trying it now.
  2. Ginetai nai.. Egw exw na pw oti k i hol k conn-x einai apo tis kaliteres... Egw exw conn-x 8mbps k eimai mia xara
  3. Polu aplo guide ala pote dn ksereis kapion mporei na voi8ises.. :D
  4. I dont see any changes at the ss.. :o
  5. Great collection.. Try add more topics and keep it update
  6. Gameserver/config/GMAccess.properties Kato kato sou exei na valeis menu style : modern h classic
  7. Pigene C:/Program files/premium soft/navicat 8.0 mysql/localhost/l2jdb (etsi einai sto pc m se esena mporei na alazoun kapies version sta prog)
  8. Koita edw : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54614.0 Se periptwsi pou dn douleuei koita k edw : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=23130.0
  9. Ti chronicle ? Interlude ?
  10. Great guide! I am sure it will help a lot some ppl
  11. It is much better now :) Keep it update
  12. Edit : wrong answer :(
  13. Steile mou to msn se pm gia na se kanw add
  14. Dwse kapies perissoteres plirofories... to pack einai preconfigured h exeis kanei compile ?
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