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Posts posted by Gries

  1. 19th of February is an expiration date of a Schengen visa for three our players: Alex Ich, Darien and Diamond, therefore they cannot participate at LCS EU Spring Week 6 that happens in Cologne from 20th to 21st of February.

    According to the LCS rules, teams aren't allowed to miss their games, therefore in order to participate in the two upcoming games we are forced to use three substitute players. At the moment we haven't decided whom are we going to recruit, but we will announce their names as soon as we make our choice. We would like to ask our fans and viewers to be respectful to our hurdle and to support us in the given circumstance. Alex Ich, Darien and Diamond will resume their participation in the league at LCS EU Spring Week 7.

    Clarification regarding our problem

    We are the only professional League of Legends team, whose entire roster not only has to spend a lot of time travelling back and forth on a weekly basis, but also to deal with visa related questions. We were aware of this date approaching beforehand, but were not able to receive new visas. In order to receive them one requires five business days, whereas over the past month and a half we had two business days per week at most, since games this split are played on Thursdays and Fridays, and we are departing to Cologne from Russia on Wednesdays. Last year we were able to receive visas freely, since games were played over the weekend. We started acquiring visas already in November prior to IEM Cologne. Edward and Genja got visas for a year, whereas Alex Ich, Diamond and Darien for three months. The duration of visas depends on the employees of an embassy, whose decision we cannot influence.

    After our trip to China to Tencent Gaming Carnival, our players didn't have enough space in their passports required to get new Schengen visas according to the legislation. We applied for new foreign passports immediately, but this process lasts for one-two months, therefore we managed to get them only during the split.






    We are providing technical and informational support for non-russian players on our forums.

    Or have I just misunderstand you?


    That`s what i mean:

    Starting from the fact that when you state that the server is really international and as such English language should be the prevalent language used to comunicate to the rest of the community (trade chat&party matching), of course this can't always be carried out as some of the Russian players do not know English, in this case they could use simple tags (WTS/WTT/LF and so on) in order to let everyone know what they are searching for.


    Furthermore what i have noticed is that even the ones who have learned English still prefer to use Russian titles, causing problems to the "foreign players".


    Lastly as you said the currently international community is not more than 20% (and might increase to up 25%) of the total players which means around 3500 players out of 15.000 total online, so i guess it is worth a try to really make it international and make it comfortable for everyone.

  3. Gries, I don't think that's admin's fault that russian-speaking players are prevailing.

    We divided our advertising budget by half between russian and foreign websites, if there are more websites which can be used for advertising, please tell me, and probably we buy some banners there and get more english-speaking players.

    Actually it isn't about budget or advertising, it is about the server being friendly just for RUS speaking players.

  4. You're said that no russian at private stores and what we see now? :) Everywhere russian... I know that's Ru server etc. but you said something different.

    That's called advertising method  :poker face:

  5. dont worry ,IM HERE to fix ya problems


    Gang is getting too old


    going to show u a surprise in 2 days :)

    You will lack of something that L2Gang achieved over the past years anyway.

  6. I've some more questions:

    There will be an international zone in the forum instead of 1 section only?

    There will be an option to exchange $ made in the forum into Avers?


    About the forum i think that you should add ENG/RUS flag in the main page in order to change forum language, otherwise it is going to be hard for the ones who don't know russian to register and change the forum language in the account settings.

  7. Thank you, Eagle Eye. I've read Greis' post again and obviously he meant a private store and I misunderstood him.

    Gries, our new server is positioned as international one and the previous x5 and x50 weren't. I guess russian-speaking players will realize that they will have more chances to buy/sell an item when they use english in order to everyone can understand. But we will additionally announce that evident fact anyway.

    Thanks for fast answer, anyway i hope that players are going to put understandable title in the shops cause it was really pain in the ass trying to find an item in the private store :D
  8. gries -> do you know year 2k14 is near? more than year is already lameguard bypassed with many bots


    just watch some russian forums


    if they had old lameguard you can buy bypass for tower


    if they had new lameguard you can buy russian bots [ i know about 2]

    I am sure that everyone on l2gang bought this "bypass" and now is botting just to reach s80 armor or low s84.

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