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About grawen

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  1. Then why I can see that the last update was today?
  2. You will update it continue? Because as I know this project will be pay.
  3. I decide that I put back the maxcheater's server pack. And it solved the problem. But when I execute the lin2db, I got this error message: "Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'dbo.dp_getnewpayid'. The object will still be created." And when I execute the lin2world, then I got similar errors: "Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_InsertUserHistory'. The object will still be created. Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_RPJoinSSQMember'. The object will still be created. Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_RPSnapSSQData'. The object will still be created. Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_RPSnapSSQJoinData'. The object will still be created. Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_RPSnapTimeAttackRecord'. The object will still be created. Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_SendMailToReceiver'. The object will still be created. Cannot add rows to sysdepends for the current object because it depends on the missing object 'lin_MoveCharacter'. The object will still be created." Its normal? Or if not then what can I do with it?
  4. dbo.server: id: 1, Name: Testserver (same with l2server.ini), ip: i tried WAN/LAN/Localhost, inner ip:, agelimit: 0, pk_flag: 1, kind: 0, port: 7777 This is wrong?
  5. This was the problem: http://noob.hu/2010/03/08/failed.JPG It is not told lot of things for me... But in your quesstion there is the answer:) I didnt make user DSN, because in the guide i read that just file DSN need... And the maxcheater's pack running without User DSN. So it is solved again, thanks. But another problem, the server dont connect for the auth, and chaced server, just run. (But I think there is a very simple problem.) I useing IP everywhere because now I need only on localhost.
  6. I read about it somewhere that it isnt real promlem while the server running, it is only show that the loeded staff is 64 bit and not 32. But I find a new failure what is much worst... I got a very simple error... Connection Failed: lin2db, lin2world. Its pop-up when I try to start the l2server, and it isnt tell nothing more. Can I make something with it? I made the OBCD etc. etc. but nothing help... If somebody know the sollution then please help for me. I use ragezone C4off pack... I hope you can help. I've tried everything what cross my mind, but nothing help.
  7. I cant find thread anywhere for my problem so I write here. I got this error, a lot of times when I start the l2server: malloc (>32). What this mean and why this happen?
  8. Maybe if you get it please write for me too. I looking for it but I cant find it sadly...
  9. This is change the augmentation effect? Because the basic aug effect is horrible I think.
  10. Its working thanks dude.
  11. Looking for this: FreeYouTubeToMP3Converter This is download the music to mp3 format from youtube immedietly.
  12. Theese are good pictures, but I think not for ally crest, because not enough abstrackt.
  13. My internet connection is 10mbit... but I heard about 6,12 gigabyte/s connection that is the record speed on the world:P (And it is the real downloading speed.)
  14. Other: Philip Morris
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