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About Daigo

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  1. No es bizarro, es imposible.
  2. Share the rootkit and maybe we can help u.
  3. I've been waiting for this.thx a lot.
  4. hey you, whats your problem with spanish people? xD Exacto, cual es tu problema?
  5. Reading all the post in this topic, I think supreme have the same protection than my server (Elwyn). I'll keep waiting for any advance on this. Thanks for the comunity who share their knowledge :D
  6. Anyone have a link with a valid System folder? or does the original from de C4 installer works?
  7. Yo he probado casi de todo en ese maldito server, y hasta ahora nada ha funcionado, si bien es verdad ke eso no lo he probado, pero no le encuentro muxo sentido. kien te lo ha dixo?
  8. I've only found l2agent version 1.16, but is not compatible with C4 off. I've 1.32 and it seems to work in my server ( the only one that works, because it interact with the client, not with de server), but is not cracked, so it has limited features. Anyone knows if are there other newer versions of this bot cracked? or if u have it, upload it. thx in advance.
  9. :( My loader close the game if I open any walker at any moment.
  10. how can I change the tittle name? if I change the walker.exe for pepe.exe (example) it still has the word "walker" in the tittle name when I exe it, and I think that is this what loader catch as a bot.
  11. They changed all that is susceptible to change. no bot is working in my server, and it has a large population... If anyone think that he can, PM me and I give him the info of the server.
  12. I'm a lame, now working. But i got an error: packet wrong size... continue... lol gameguard. I think it's for the stupid token, but its kinda impossible to find it now in my server (before C4 I was able to find it, and yes, I read the guide for finding token). I'm started to hate that f****** server.
  13. Nop, the loader detects the walker.
  14. "one more thing u need to have installed net framework 2.0 u can download from here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5" I have already installed 2.0, and tryed 3.0 but nothing.
  15. I can't exe the program, it give me a extrange depuration error or something.
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