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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. THE NEXT TIME LISTEN TO OCTAPUS Btw, i bet all my adenas to SPAIN
  2. 30 sec suck
  3. By finito17 at 2010-07-07 http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8045/shot00025en.jpg[/img] By finito17 at 2010-07-07
  4. Maxtor did it cz he is active but he is active only at spam sections
  5. SPain!! If wins i wanna 5800 adena chucky
  6. pawnah Mace answer my PM
  7. Lol now u have VIP lucky
  8. LOL why u still post u stole an acc and still talk?
  9. Since we found one of the stealers(the guy with 6 stolen accounts)and generally disscused about this announcement isn't time to close?
  10. These are all the stolen members :/
  11. Man u are tragic u stole acc from someone,changed name and now u are saying:Care about your passwords ? Anyway,if everyone follows ED advise will not lose anything The only thing WE want is,when the guilty is found ,'Justice'and give acc back to real owner when he has proofs
  12. The money u give is considering as donate to server Maxtor gives u as gift VIP/Donator not his business if u lose the gift but i think he must return it in case he founds who steal it Anyway,there are many ways to steal accounts,like registering in other forums etc(Or L2servers)
  13. 1on:Agorase Deticated 2on:Vale sub 85 3o:Meiose ta donate 4o:Vale perissotera event 5o:Diafimise ton perissotero 6o:Kane perissotera event sto game 7o:Den 3erw ta meionektimata t srv kapoios allos 8a sto pei :) PS:Stay intopic reee
  14. Octapus spoke stfu now
  15. Commodus can u send me ur SIGN ?(i mean how it is right now)
  16. 49 was by mistake 0.49 was nice :D
  17. no but these 2 days we must do the sub cz all people are making this Quest together after these 2-3 days i will calm down and go for camping
  18. yeah after that run to TOI 3(i got it just for 5 seconds ) then 50%ppl started going to toi7 and 50% to toi11 i was going by feet to 7 and if off to 11(but there was GK for TOI10) TOI 7 was Off and i missed for 30 seconds toi 11 i am thinking tommorow that's why i am tired
  19. Chucky make the bet(our bet)as many adenas i have the best is ok ?
  20. i am tired of waiting
  21. Cabrio spawned w0w-now TOI
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