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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. οκ me afraid now αφου θα κανεις ddos ετσι και αλλιως, επειδη απλα απαντησα μολις τωρα, γιατι να μην σε bannarw ηδη;
  3. δεν με νοιαζει, χεστηκα αν ανοιξετε 860 forum, αλλα να το διαφημηζετε εδω και με τετοιο τροπο, δεν το ανεχομαι. Και μισο λεπτο να βρω ενα section οπου δεν εχουν unlock οι golds
  4. Seriously, no matter how many servers you get down, noone with brain level more than someone of Xrisis augis member, will join your server. Period
  5. Yeap, no need to worry about your account, and his services are excellent.
  6. (PS: That lose as tristana happened cause of a bug, reconnected as lvl1 vs lvl6 bot , and 50 minions behind, and fed singed top-TERROR) Now in around ~1400 elo Whoever says you are stuck in 'elo hell' there, you are just bad as hell
  7. we are talking about normal elo scrub
  8. Reptant_

    Epic 2

    Why so much bullshit in this topic? If we wanted a topic with public opinions we would have done one. Thats why we made a 'PM' one. Everything you send us, will be posted in global mod section, and then we will see whats going to happen.(4 + maxtor) Stop beeing attention whore toptrade. You know how this stops @Cedry2k please, stop talking. ty
  9. I guess something more than 2k in my main account
  10. Whatever, kog was vs trundle+ezreal, he couldnt even hit a minion in first minutes(instant dive) But the fact is the matchmaking, not the kind of game
  11. anti-support hecarim(full defence and stand in front of minions) really rocks tho, and works in extremely low elo
  12. Στο windowsphone μου οποτε θελω μπαινω στο site του windowsphone, και εχω και τοποθεσια gps και κλειδωμα και τα παντα :Ρ υποθετω το android εχει κατι παρομοιο, αλλα εγω το εχω ρυθμισει
  13. so you are not even playing, just depend on the team? ..
  14. That means that you heaviliy depend on the team only, and not in your gameplay
  15. So, we decided to rebuild the staff team completely! If you want to be a part of new staff team, please PM me, or Noble This PM shall contain: -Your age -What are you planning to help with -Your desired role in staff team -What have you contributed to maxcheaters.com -Why do you think you should be noticed more than the others -Skype if possible -What are your thoughts about karma. and any other info you like, that might help your application Also, you can suggest members for staff, applying the same conditions as above! (or general changes in staff) And any other suggestion about forum mechanices(especially karma) is welcome.
  16. She is a trusted person, no worries and itamz are good for the price
  17. Και γιατι ειπαμε εκανες νεο topic; και που αναφερεσαι;
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