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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. i am worried after these words,gekas gave him karma for a forgotten share(2 months+ )
  2. so many reports in a topic is a mess k
  3. aa that was the guy that unhidded Serk's share,and had put avatar 'Next to ban list' btw,coyote i can't find what 4 means in ur sign
  4. you can do it with PHX and walker too anyway,thanks ::)
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=71294;sa=showPosts ty ty ty
  6. ι can send u 1 adena are you ok?
  7. lol he is banned 2 months now,over 4 people have make report to ban him
  8. talking in a 14 year old child...
  9. θα ερθουμε να σας κανουμε παρεα στον καναπε;
  10. Αλλα πηραν 2(δυο) ολοκληρους βαθμους ενω ο καναπεδατος;
  11. ΡΕ ΜΑΛΑΚΑ ΒΑΛΑΜΕ ΕΝΑ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΜΠΑΡΤΣΑ ΑΝΤΕ ΓΑΜΗΣΟΥ (εχω ξεχασει εκεινο το match)
  12. Σταματα,εχω την ελπιδα οτι ως το τελος θα εχουμε βαλει εστω και 1
  13. ναι,ως καναπεδατοι ειστε ξεκουραστοι και λογικα θα σκισετε τον Ευρωπαιο ΑΡΗ(που παρεπιπτωντος,παει καλα στην ευρωπη αλλα τα γαμαει ελλαδα λολ)
  14. bored
  15. wait...and spam
  16. there is a config(don't know where exactly-i saw a same problem too) which makes RB don't need quest about baium-i don't know about AQ-Zaken just make them 80 level
  17. Βεβαια απο καπου πρεπει να αρχισεις ::) Κατα την γνωμη μου καλυτερα για αρχη να παρεις ενα σταθερο project,και να κανεις περαιτερω fixes
  18. promotion demotion info topic
  19. were you here in 20 september? just to know D: no he putted a report-bot to gain this not rly,he should be in higher rank WAY long time ago imo
  20. not really,lol not for that Cause interlude(especially L2Off+mid rate) has very limited features first of all,all pvps are based on enchants+boss in start,all play cause ONLY with their skill can win then,a good clan will dominate all bosses ,and players with boss can 1-2 hit bishops so,all players with no good clan just Q_Q to another l2off mid rate while in higher chronicles,attritube/certi/skill enchant are some basic things while,there skill matters more
  21. yeah,we know you are that guy
  22. when ur comeback was?
  23. hey which server was succesful? all mid rate l2off interlude servers last max 2 months,lol
  24. sadly there is donate for gold member
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