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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. hey,our internet is via phone lines xd
  2. max is 24 virtual and 16 in real and 0,8 mbps upload not to mention that with that speeds we have many disconnects
  3. it's teh best for greece
  4. abbrrrr what?
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=181885.0;topicseen author req
  6. generally don't try this(either in a net) he is too dangerous for your nerves
  7. you have much time to avoid it ,lol flash=300 sec CD ulti=30 sec lol
  8. το pass ειναι σιγουρα σωστο; νομιζω αυτο το error ειναι λογω λαθος pass
  9. since that's not working,and it's only 30 kb how can we be sure?
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182452.0;topicseen dev help gr
  11. Δεν μπορει να κανει τιποτα με αυτο,jeez ΕΙΔΙΚΑ αφου δεν παιζει κανενα ρολο δοκιμασε αυτα What I would do is check the connections, make sure that you have MySQL running on your local machine. If that's not what you are after, then change the host to something like an IP or it also does domain lookup. Neat feature too, just put in the domain and it will translate to the correct IP! Saves me a bunch of time in tech-support. και φυσικα αν εχεις σωστο password
  12. in ur avatar if u have dirty mind ^^
  13. spam=super porn avatar masturbating
  14. he isn't used to mxc yet^^ welcome meng
  15. we are just trolling..noone insults you i just find it strange a couple playing L2 at that age,in 2010
  16. 4chan is OMGG Cloud would quit his life from troll if do that
  17. ΟΜG U FAILED his karma log is clean,he is -4 due to a bug
  18. we are trolling lol
  19. steal credits has 0% success i lost 1 coyote 1 ds 1 vege 2 tehgeorge 2 4chan 4
  20. stfu
  21. δεν ξερεις το ανεκδοτο
  22. (now really this is your e-wife ,you are having cyber sex ,and u will make a 10 year old kid playing L2 your e-kid ?)
  23. btw,these prove nothing unless Gerakiotis email is gofackup@hotmail.com
  24. no way u have this wife if u are addicted to L2 btw u registered in 2006 lulz
  25. it's just a custom shit normally,by making NORMAL ur 3rd quest class change u get a bog as reward in the end
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