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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189861.0;topicseen req client mods
  2. This is called racism i reported you here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189436
  3. Hi,i am teacher
  4. ftw better game eva
  5. I am big bugger
  6. Ι am worried the same as you i wanted to see my topic's views gr one has 3,5 fame/attribute etc has 1k classes 1-1,5 i go at en,and kaboom 23k wtf?
  7. there are no forum bugs
  8. i know i am pro but i still can't understand it will check it in 1 week if not 40k then someone did it with bots
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189163.msg1527875;topicseen#new request client mod
  10. i loled hard well...we know 40% of L2players are below 14 but....let's don't overdo it
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=stats
  12. Topic: Ultimate guide for newcomers to L2!! (Read 23045 times) wtf?
  13. ok now
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189729.msg1546515;topicseen#new Kraσh's reply there
  15. i will probably add them i agree in quests i have added only a few things(less things that @ GR) about Fame,if i do,it will be a seperate topic did one in GR section,maybe i will get it here too i will make it a good update when in mood
  16. In stucksubs they have many skills from other subs and that makes sense anyway,Dimis isn't that dump,and i think he must have already fixed it
  17. Δεν υπαρχει καλος private δεν ειναι L2 πληρωσε καποια χρηματα και παιξε official
  18. It has NPC buffers+custom farm zones you can't call it retail lol
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189378.0 request general help
  20. Δηλαδη μπορεις να επιλεξεις με το ποντικι που να γινει η κινηση το ποντικι δεν καταργιεται ποτε http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OEgxyH17K0&feature=player_embedded δες εδω,τους μαγους
  21. gr sections ftw and no,i was 4k in start of week
  22. αλλα εχουν και τα αλλα class AKOMA καλυτερα skills anyway,o ρολος του dwarf ειναι spoil+ craft.Για αυτο φτιαχτηκαν τα αλλα class δεν τα εχουν επειτα,φτιαχνεις dwarf ,κανεις ενα sub κ πουλας μουρη xd
  23. Ακριβως αλλα κοιτα για αυτο βαριουνται τους Interlude server,και μετα λενε L2fail κτλπ αν παιξεις gracia/freya,υπαρχουν καποιοι καλοι,ανακαλυπτεις τα νεα πραγματα ειδικα αν μιλαμε για low rate εκει ριχνουν δουλεια οπως λες εσυ
  24. Ποιος σου το ειπε αυτο WASD υπαρχει και τωρα απλα θα γινουν τα class ΤΕΛΕΙΩΣ διαφορετικα οι μαγοι θα εχουν ακομα και skillshot και φυσικα ΟΛΑ τα αλλα update οι official σερβερ θα γεμισουν πιστευω
  25. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=stats 9
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