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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Delete εφαγε :( το εσβησε ο GrisoM μετα εφαγε demote για αυτον τον λογο
  2. Finito, your ideal job is:Beer taster :) Petros, your ideal job is:Freelancer :) Peter, your ideal job is:TV star :)
  3. Αν δεν σου αρεσει,τον μπουλο,ξες
  4. Come on,i am sure male chars in ur files have :P
  5. ΗΟΛΙ ΦΑΚΙΝ Ωραιος θα φυγει ο Σισσε,καραγκουνης/gilberto ειναι ηδη για τα ΚΑΠΗ,θα παιζουμε με Χριστοδουλοπουλο και τον Govou να του πεταει τριανταφυλλα
  6. Εως Gracia Final ειναι ενταξει τα γραφικα,ενω GE/Freya αλλαζουν omg,ιδια ειναι...
  7. In INTERLUDE ,the retail is no restore it's just ur server also tihs way is better and working
  8. ChatRulette ειναι Troll Machine,με ενα μικρο guide του GrisoM :P
  9. ofc yes,lol Normally,it doesn't recover you a quick example
  10. Αλλα ειχε προβλημα το rez,ελεγε:You have to be Jesus or God in order to use it οποτε εμεινε κατω
  11. Ι complain for hypocrisy of him,and lies he is saying Giving the facts how the things are,isn't bad also,he can prove me wrong,if i am
  12. Και εχασε,και δεν ειχε λεφτα να πληρωσει(τα πηρε η εφορια) και τον σκοτωσε ο αλλος
  14. Are u mentally retarted?It's a guide how to have 30% or less life.How to low ur life since u will be with 30% life(or less) bison is needed.LOL man
  15. That weapon increases ur total life,so decreases ur current % life so,it's needed u succeded 30% by ur vote reward,i am not so sure it's gonna work w/o it
  16. Το ονομα μου το θυμασαι,τα ελληνικα οχι >:P
  17. Ofc no,he had to go for sleep and close the PC
  18. Κουλης=Αρσενικο της ΚΟΥΛΑΣ; ΑΧ ΡΕ ΚΟΥΛΑΑΑΑΑΑΑΑ
  19. 90% θα εχει error στο τελος δεν ξερεις το δικο μου;;)
  20. αγγελος..
  21. Antibot protection.....for noobs only,i haven't seen any server where no bot works No donation? You are BR....bet for corrupted donations,anyway,prove me wrong No lag wasn't needed saying after posting these specs,anyway,i guess in EUROPE guys will have problems with SoftLayer Many have told about best cripts/geodata...i think you don't have them,anyway Also,why the hell ALL L2Off owners put country here as : America hard loled and,what the hell,can u tell me why u don't even have a FORUM for ur server?
  22. @fighter ενα σου λεω.liontaraki τι μου λες δεν ξερει τι ειναι projectt...
  23. Weapon that grands Bless The Body buff isn't in this guide?
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