Non-instant pvp (lots of farming):
Not really,farming is needed.But u need to balance things,in order a little farming gives u basic items for pvps,and long farming gives u top items ,but not so OP(px 1 play killing 2-3 togethers)
By this i mean,much much farm will give u a nice boost,but not so OP
Non stop adena farming for equips:Adena is the best currency,than all.If u know how to handle it
anyway,for me getting the best equips must be with long farm,and easy farm for basic ones.By best equips,i would mean a custom one,not OP,for reason i mentioned above
definitely noone likes farming all day for basic equipment
Hard enchant rate:
Definitely,Hard enchant rate > Big enchant max
hell yeah,someone will have +7/8 weapon,u can kill him with a +4/5 if u are experienced
but the best is falling enchant rates(less ER at more ++)
1 dominat OP class (example = dagger):
This is a fail example.Yeah,some ppl may quit cause of archers OP,mages OP,but no daggers,lol(except they are really OP)
We all know daggers are totally useless in mass pvps,and pwners in solo pvp.It's stupid seeing some noob gm's boosting archers and nerfing archers,just for solo pvps.You have to think mass pvps,mostly
All harder for them than it was for older players:
Definitely,this is a reason for emoquit.
It's better making easier for new players(px a hard farm item,that used to need 20 hours of farm(px) ) after 1-2 months can go to 5-6 hours of farming,and putting a new farm item
If u get what i mean
This mistake is criminal
I hope i answered ur questions :P