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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Στα site με prem acc πρεπει να πας στις ρυθμισεις του και να βαλεις τους κωδικους πιστεψε με,IDM ειναι κορυφη,ξαναβαλτο
  2. Ok now,what didn't u get of what i posted not,it's his title Custom Title: Mada Fucka P.I.V
  3. ε πληρωσες 50 εσυ και αλλα ποσα τα δωσετε ομαδικα μην μου λες κουφα...
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=60247 Found one Sofaki's fan :P
  5. Δεν σου λεω πως μαζεψες τα λεφτα βρισκονται τροποι σου μιλαω,δεν παιζει 50 ευρω
  6. Have seen this video in this boards over 5-6 times posted
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193768.msg1609455#msg1609455 Οfftopics http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193770.0;topicseen l2j dev help en What are websites needed in a L2J section?I can't find any reason to have it there and not in offtopics.anyway Well the basic topic of the collection could stay there, since no website is actually shared in the topic itself.
  8. 50ευρω; Δεν μπορω να το πιστεψω
  9. w00t? εμεις πληρωσαμε 100 ευρω ξενοδοχειο+λεωφορειο για Καστορια....are u kidding meh?
  10. -4 karma is ban ++ karma is...a pixel I am curious,cause some things in here are un-explainable...
  11. Yeah,it was nice one listening to him in VT..or clan chat talking about his life/kids :P But ur point is a right one
  12. Ουσιαστικα 2 βραδια ειναι Βγαινει ρε ενταξει,αντε να φας και κανα 50αρι γενικα εκτος απο τις εξοδους
  13. Ενταξει δεν μπορεις να ξερεις πως ειναι οι καθηγητες,και οι καταστασεις ποσα λεφτα δωσατε για καλαματα;
  14. το χαλας με τις μπυρες :D
  15. He pwns them even with mind there are still 55+ ppl that play L2 :P
  16. Reptant_


    Only click?there are some 'codes' in
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=191997.msg1589051;topicseen#new author req
  18. 170 καθαρα;ή θα δωσεις και για την εκδρομη; Δεν αξιζει να χασεις τετοιες εκδρομες ρε
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=182168.0 Make ur conclusions (my report that time,was for this acc,and owner was same)
  20. Passive shield gives more Pdef than active shield,ur server must be bugged Ofc morai gives better stats than dyna about these augments,they are good,every augment is good,we refer to basic ones here
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