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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Mshield(again) unholy divine elemental :P
  2. Tα linux δεν ειναι fail στο τελος,στο error λεει ενα αρχειο,ενα SYS ή κατι παρομοιο
  3. Rapidshare isn't the only download site.Also,you could use a rapidpro acc Anyway,u posted in right category,guess it will be awesome
  4. ουστ
  5. That's the right way of buffing/dyes,though most times i prefer elemental/divine prot and w/o song of water
  6. That was my point above in a high max enchant server , you will exactly this thing while in a hard enchant,even big farm many times can't be OP
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193304.msg1609836;topicseen#new It was locked by Furiosus,someone unlocked it
  8. Sido,ur judgement of things is just pathetic I am sad that not so many ppl answered these questions I wanna more
  9. Ofc not but,using berseker in archers with heavy,is just retarted so,u have same Atk speed with light(w/o bers) more patk same pdef less mdef less evasion Playing in a IL server always make me lol
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=82850;sa=showPosts Besides the a lot thanks,they are all in same section b for ban
  11. Same here.If you know how to take advantage of Light(it's evasion) Cause i have seen ppl using light+berseker lol
  12. Βλακειες λες,τοτε εφταιγε η RAM φιλε δες ακριβως το αρχειο που εχει error,και ποσταρε το εδω Εγω να σου πω,καποτε ειχα αυτο το προβλημα,αλλαξα το αρχειο και το ελυσα.Προσωρινα μεχρι να καει το τροφοδοτικο ::)
  13. This is ok,but using heavy everywhere is retarted also if u can play well u can pwn a dagger user with light
  14. Heavy everywhere? This is the classic opinion of every noob playing in lol servers
  15. και αλλοι,και καλυτερα μαλιστα αυτα παθαινεις αμα τον εχεις σπιτι
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193803.0;topicseen l2j dev help en
  17. Ok next time i will go watch a Totenam's match just for him
  18. yeah,bale vs inter
  19. Not rly cz of that,firstly i can't watch matches online(shitty ISP) and TV didn't show totenam any time this year,till now
  20. my bro likes him,i don't know why,never watched him playing
  21. Cisse :D And Karagounis :P and my love Ryan Giggs
  22. We don't care hb
  23. He lives in Italy
  24. I am not so bad
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