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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Forthnet εχω,και τους εχω παρει δεκαδες τηλεφωνα δεν μπορουν να κανουν κατι δεν ξερω ισως μειωσω την ταχυτητα μου
  2. GodPower θελω να παιξω lol και δεν μπορω πεφτει το ιντερνετο συνεχεια
  3. Πιθανων να ειναι ολα αληθινα.Γιατι υπαρχουν αρκετες πληροφοριες,που συνδεονται και με την λογικη/παρελθον αλλα ποτε δεν μπορεις να εισαι σιγουρος το σιγουρο ειναι οτι καποιοι πουλησαν την Ελλαδα
  4. Του παει το πρασινο νοτ
  5. βαλτο ρε,αν κανεις κατι καντο σωστα
  6. What's the difference of PH and a homehosted IL server? My last post here,hope you got the message i mean
  7. If you play right Katarina,each game is win ;) or atleast 8/10
  8. so,does it worth voting there?or even look at their servers? NOT does it worth buying votes? YES since brain damaged kids still search for servers there Have fun :)
  9. IMO don't buy any champion if u haven't played with him At weekly rotation
  10. @Fanky #ADFF2F αυτο ειναι το color του l2mod
  11. Κarthus pwns But Katarina pwns more ;P
  12. Oντως γελασαμε οι λεξεις ΑΕΚ και Πρωταθλημα δεν πανε μαζι ^^
  13. Mετραει οταν τα παιρνει στα ονειρα του commodus/nosti?;D
  14. DotA kinda sucks now.You can't play a 2001 game... Only for learning :P Play LOL,it's awesome ;P
  15. Και εδω ειναι που ο Fanky θα καταλαβει οτι ειναι γειτονας του Commodus το εχει κανει και ο ProJect,haha ειδε στο σπιτι του σε μια φωτο καποιου αλλου
  16. If these websites were running properly,a server like this wouldn't have problems + you may see a bunch of crap servers in top,something that isn't good ;)
  17. Εμας καθε χρονο Αλλα ξενερα τωρα παντου χιονιζει και εδω τιποτα λιγο μωρε να το στρωσει να κλεισουν τα σχολεια ::)
  18. Will be released at October 2011 or like that ;P but it will be a pwnawesome game
  19. Εδω τιποτα τιποτα τιποτα
  20. don't start dota,especially now except if you want to learn now to be good at DotA 2 :) i will make a dota guide in some time
  21. You should play DotA 102 champions,all free to play :)
  22. They are called Shell booters They flood your gameserver/machine(dunno exactly) with packets(imagine,even L2DEX is getting pwned by them) There are ways to avoid them,such us Firewall and expensive Hardware,among with some configurations at Centos(linux) I don't know exactly how to avoid them,though :( About L2J attackers,yes
  23. Cause then,it doesn't matter if you have a crappy server based on a shitty pack,or a good one,bugless If server is corrupted and it has shitty features,or it's legit and with the best features What matters is the money you gave there That's not....right
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