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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Κανονικα ειναι δικαστηριο για καταστροφη δημοσιας περιουσιας
  2. ah ;d still,not gonna use chrome,hate some shits it has(or it doesn't have)
  3. I don't know about them and it still lags,at mxc px xd And yes,since i don't use ΄ at words ex Σουβλάκι i use Σουβλακι second word,is wrong typed ;d
  4. and fire to a nuclear power factory
  5. Chrome has some things i don't like Such as bad AI(for me) not many Add-ons plus at many websites,it lags at fast scroll up/down And it checks for typos in GR!Every word is underlined ;D
  6. Οχι,φαντασου σκεφτομουν για το -4 CON Καλυτερα για μενα θα ηταν να βαλεις +3 or +2 STR,αλλα τεσπα
  7. I am talking about the way it looks like..it pwns ;D
  8. Do it dude,vote sites are very important for a server's population ;) and you know it well Nice undig,btw xd
  9. STR+4 CON-4 WIT+4 INT-4
  10. haha Hi omg this mozilla 4 RC is pwning
  11. Not exactly 2k,but anyway ;D +1 more WIT means extra MC rate,too
  12. Βαλε credits
  13. Ι surely don't know about last ddosing with extremebooter But i 100% know who was doing the ddos these days
  14. ΜΙΛΑ ΡΕ
  15. It's not promote shit,only I don't know if i am true,but Intrepid's posts/complains show some other things,too
  16. Πουθενα; ρε απλα πες τι εννουσες πριν..
  17. Πετας το ρητο και περιμενεις να το αποκρυπτογραφησουμε;
  18. GrisoM and Erol put it everywhere and fully supported it (though,not so sure about grisom,but he admitted he wrote it somewhere) But things were/are? not so different comparing to what is says.
  19. This haha
  20. Chandy Chucky Pwnnnz0r^ pm them xd
  21. Playing in a team w/o tank NICE and i don't have katarina
  22. Proofs say the opposite 8)
  23. even luck can't save his teammates
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