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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. HB
  2. a C5 server would be cool,indeed If you still want to open a C4 server,do it the more retail you can,imo
  3. Τραβα μπροστα τους και πες τα αυτα
  4. For protection(and good ones) you need 250+ euro per month Hetzner is the best
  5. Plus a little bug fix There should be buttons like: etc
  6. Και εσυ καταστρέφεις την Ελληνική Γλώσσα
  7. again?
  8. *Emoticons *Shop Remake of 'Uploader' Rank You can see,no Uploader in forum Make Uploaders(or better change this name) people that report,or making some shares aka make Uploaders in an easier way,setting lower standards This way people may have a reason to share something But they won't be 'staff'(no staff board,nor considered as staff) Just VIP's with some extra privs(such as lock at their topics everywhere,or an uploader board) This way-> More shares,it's a reason to share(same for report,if..) No reason to worry about attribute or w/e Seperate GFX section from Guides and Tutorial board plus add a moderator there Plus most of what Intrepid said,except L2Off boards Plus,merge games boards I mean: We have Aion WoW CS and DotA(as subboard) These should go at 1 section,all together,among with other games(LoL HoN Others) And put a Game Moderator there (or don't do this,but add a moderator for all these games,atleast keeping them clean + help in some of them) http://www.aedes.us/i6/zdz.png I little suggestion about boards
  9. Ended? well maybe,i couldn't see him at who's online list(what he's doing) lol
  10. Gmods with BOLD fits better in my eyes lol ><
  11. Gmods and Maxtor actually
  12. he is still online maybe he is posting too?
  13. wtf?
  14. Come at greece too don't forget to bring food with you
  15. I was not talking about this yes,greece would be screwed up they are japanese, ^^
  16. They are not so screwed Imagine something like this at greece or alvania QQ
  17. and fire to a nuclear power factory ?
  18. Εκεινη που ειμασταν μαζι λες;
  19. L2Outside? ΤΟ ΓΑΜΗΣΑΑΑΑΑ
  20. These sites bring you people,sadly
  21. and why did u undig it?
  22. oh,couldn't agree more.Doing the same
  23. Dunno,i guess it's time for official FF4?
  24. Disable antivirus and run the program as administrator
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